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How to Add OS X Dock Icon Bounce Animations to iOS 8


iPhoneForums.net News Team
Jun 15, 2010
Reaction score
Bay Area, CA
On OS X, applications that are located on the dock usually bounce up and down, alerting the user of the notification from that app. Unfortunately, iOS doesn't get the same kind of love, but Jailbreak is here to help.

BounceNotify8 is a Cydia Tweak that animates iOS 8 dock icons when a notification hasn't been checked. The bounce animation is limited to the docked icons, but that's also a good thing since many of us probably don't want our Springboards looking like they just ate a cup of sugar.

Within the Settings, users can choose to enable of disable the tweak, set the "bounciness" of the icons, as well as set the time interval of bounces. Once the notifications have been cleared within the app, the icon stops bouncing. BounceNotify8 is available in the Cydia Store for free under the BigBoss repo.