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HD Icons


New Member
Jan 16, 2012
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The "HD Icons" application/tweak worked on my iPhone 4S; I'm now having issues with it, I don't know if I pressed something by mistake for it to not work; also, I've tried other themes, but only the picture in my lockscreen area works and the icons that come with the theme do not show up throughout the desktop iPhone after I activate it in winterboard; also, I've restore my iPhone using iTunes and reinstalled Cydia; everything but this application/tweak is NOT working; can someone please help me figure this out; thanks!
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LoveRhyme said:
The "HD Icons" application/tweak worked on my iPhone 4S; I'm now having issues with it, I don't know if I pressed something by mistake for it to not work; also, I've tried other themes, but only the picture in my lockscreen area works and the icons that come with the theme do not show up throughout the desktop iPhone after I activate it in winterboard; also, I've restore my iPhone using iTunes and reinstalled Cydia; everything but this application/tweak is NOT working; can someone please help me figure this out; thanks!

I figured it out, it was my settings that caused the problem!