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Dr Raina Massey

Good day to all

Dr Raina Massey

Welcome to the iPhone Forums, one of the best iPhone forums anywhere. You will find members from around the world who are willing to help with any questions or problems you may have. If you have a question and a search of the forum threads doesn't provide the answer you need, don't hesitate to ask questions. If you haven't already done so, please take the time to readour rules before posting.
G'day and welcome to the FoRuM!!!!! :) :) :)
Hello and welcome to our community! Just got through welcoming you at one of our sister sites!
Glad you decided to join us. :)

Here's some handy links you might be interested in to improve, or enhance, your iPhone experience.
iPhone Tips
iOS 6 Tips
How to make custom ringtones

Interested in Jailbreaking, or needing some jailbreak related information?
What is jailbreaking?
DFU Mode for Dummies
The can I Jailbreak my iPhone on X.X.X Thread
Official Apple firmware download links

Most of all, enjoy the forums!

iPhoneForums Administrator