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Curry Favour With the Gods With New Heaven's Diner App


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
Staff member
Jun 18, 2010
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Good news for all those of you addicted to the Facebook game Heaven’s Diner, as Mobilitz has just released a free iPhone app to the App Store that is designed to complement the game, with additional location-based activities. Heaven’s Diner chefs can now use their iPhone to become real-life “food hunters” by taking photos of their favourite foods, writing short reviews of real restaurant meals, and sharing them with friends via the Facebook game. The app also lets you take part in specific “quests” by using GPS to locate nearby pursuits and ingredients on a map, and unlocking special rewards such as Karma, experience points and achievement stars, for finding new dishes and culinary delights as requested by the Gods. Bonuses also await those who visit the most popular restaurants as voted by players themselves. The app will also have a virtual ingredients shop where you can buy specific ingredients.

“What better way to play a restaurant management game that involves real food than by allowing the players to go out, interact with the food in real life, and share those experiences back into the game with their Facebook friends,” says Krating Poonpol, CEO and founder of Mobilitz. “The free iPhone app will significantly enhance and complement the overall experience by feeding more location-based activities and rewards back into the Facebook game, and allow players to continue social interactions around their favorite foods while away from their computer. We’re pleased to offer this social gaming platform that foodies everywhere can enjoy both while in front of a computer and while out visiting their favorite eateries.”

Click here to download the free app: Heaven's Diner for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store

Source: Mobilitz