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Cracked iphone5 screen

olly1972 said:
Apple store not interested....

Even if screen defective, it wouldn't have cracked if I hadn't of dropped it so its accidental damage which they don't cover.

Which tbh I understand.

AppleCare + does cover up to 2 incidents if accidental damage over the life of the plan. It would have covered your damage if you had signed up for it.
Apple store not interested....

Even if screen defective, it wouldn't have cracked if I hadn't of dropped it so its accidental damage which they don't cover.

Which tbh I understand.

Not so .. constant touching the screen (putting pressure on it) will cause the screen to spider more the more you use the phone with a defective screen.
I'm pretty sure if you go back to the apple store you can still purchase AppleCare + after the fact and then replace the thing right after. I've done it before with MacBooks for my customers that think they won't need it but then they crack the screen or spill water on it. It should work the same for your iPhone unless apple randomly changed their policy.
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I'm pretty sure if you go back to the apple store you can still purchase AppleCare + after the fact and then replace the thing right after. I've done it before with MacBooks for my customers that think they won't need it but then they crack the screen or spill water on it. It should work the same for your iPhone unless apple randomly changed their policy.

I think when you go to purchase AppleCare they want to see the device first to prevent exactly this, may be wrong but it would seem logical.
I think when you go to purchase AppleCare they want to see the device first to prevent exactly this, may be wrong but it would seem logical.

What you're saying does make sense but I supposed it depends on who ends up helping you at the apple store that will determine if what I mentioned above is even possible. When I go in, I tell the rep exactly what happened: "I recommended that the customer bought applecare, they didn't, and now they're screwed. Mind helping me out?"

I suppose it can be a long shot but hey, like I said, it's worked for me on numerous occasions! :)
Apple has stated that you have 30 days to purchase the warranty with a new phone release. This might be different after
the initial crunch, but Sprint forgot to put AppleCare+ on 2 of mine, I was able to add over the phone with no problem.

Another alternative which I am looking at is Square Trade, which offers a 3 year warranty for $124, covering 4 occurrences.
They also do not need to see the phone, just sales receipts, or in this case, they know the earliest you could have purchased
is release date.

Off the initial subject, but on it about Apple Care
Apple has stated that you have 30 days to purchase the warranty with a new phone release. This might be different after
the initial crunch, but Sprint forgot to put AppleCare+ on 2 of mine, I was able to add over the phone with no problem.

Another alternative which I am looking at is Square Trade, which offers a 3 year warranty for $124, covering 4 occurrences.
They also do not need to see the phone, just sales receipts, or in this case, they know the earliest you could have purchased
is release date.

Off the initial subject, but on it about Apple Care

That's good info to know man, thanks for the tip!

iPhone 4 / iOS6 / Verizon CDMA