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Another New Member


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Jul 1, 2010
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I am among the many who stood in line on June 24th to get an iPhone 4. After doing some research and talking to a couple of hardcore iPhone fans, I found this forum and am thoroughly enjoying the threads and info. I have experienced issues with reception and am very interested to find out what Apple does in the end to make this better for us. The one thing I am NOT happy about is the bumper Apple sold me along with my iPhone 4. The reason being I have to take it off in order to charge my phone, since the bottom opening is not big enough for the plug to make a good connection. I want my 29.99 BACK, so I can spend them on one that works right. Like that going to happen. It has protected my investment though, so I guess it wasn't a total loss.
Welcome from Texas! I want a bumper too but I'm going to wait untill one comes out that isn't so bulky. I'm not so worried about scratches.. But would like to be able to set it down without the glass touching the surface of the table.
Welcome from Texas! I want a bumper too but I'm going to wait untill one comes out that isn't so bulky. I'm not so worried about scratches.. But would like to be able to set it down without the glass touching the surface of the table.

Hey, the bumper sold at Apple stores is pretty slim. In fact, it's so slim they didn't leave enough room in the bottom for the 30 pin dock connector and that is my only problem with it. It does a great job at protecting both faces of the iPhone on flat surfaces.
Welcome to the forum. I would return the bumper. I don't think you should have to remove it to charge the phone.
Screw the bumper I went to bestbuy right after I got my phone and bought a rubber deal that protects the whole back. No worries setting it down. Plenty of room to plug the jack in too.
I bought an Incipio black fitted case for my phone - not because of antenna issues but because I drop the phone from time to time and I don't want to scratch the back.

I purchased the case on Launch date (6/24) at the AT & T store - it was $24.99. The cases on the iphone 4 fit better than the 3Gs because of the shape of the phone....looks Good!
I have an Apple Bumper on my phone and I charge mine without removing it. Maybe yours has a defect?
I have an Apple Bumper on my phone and I charge mine without removing it. Maybe yours has a defect?

It's weird because one of my charging cables works fine both the other three don't. They are all made by Apple, so it doesn't make sense.
Only apple branded cables seem to fit in the bumper case.

This is true for alot of cases... If you have an aftermarket charger they are often larger or a different shape. As far as the bumper is concerned I am going with the aluminum one from element case. Haven't got any scratches from not having a case yet so I'm not too worried about it.

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