4G/LTE data usage

4G/LTE data usage


Thread Starter
Jun 27, 2010
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I love the faster 4G and LTE on the iPhone 5 but it's eating up my data usage. I've only had my phone for 4 days and I've already used 77MB. Watch your data usage if you don't have an unlimited data plan. I have AT&T.
I am kind of curious as to what you have been doing to use up all that data. Before I chose my plan I looked at my previous bills to see the average of data usage. I just rounded it off to the next or closest gig plan. Another thing for me is, I am usually around a WiFi network that is set up on my phone already.
I love the faster 4G and LTE on the iPhone 5 but it's eating up my data usage. I've only had my phone for 4 days and I've already used 77MB. Watch your data usage if you don't have an unlimited data plan. I have AT&T.

First off, lets clear one misconception up really quick. LTE downloads EXACTLY the same number of bytes as a 3G connection would doing the same task.

The issue always is the user and the applications they use. Once people see the speed, they tend to surf more on the web and use apps that require more data to look "slick".
77MB for 4 days is really not high. In fact compared to my usage that is about a 1/4 of days worth.
I calculated your use of 77 mb divided by 4 days, rounded up and got 20. I took that times 31 and got 620 mb. It takes a thousand mb to make 1 GB. Whatcha worried about? ;)
I calculated your use of 77 mb divided by 4 days, rounded up and got 20. I took that times 31 and got 620 mb. It takes a thousand mb to make 1 GB. Whatcha worried about? ;)
Maybe he meant 770MB. ?? That would be cause for concern.
if you're on 2GB a month... that averages about 67MB a day of Cellular Data.. Approx. On verizon i set my alert for when i reach 75% of allotment, and if i remember its 10 dollars a GB over my 2GB.
if you're on 2GB a month... that averages about 67MB a day of Cellular Data.. Approx. On verizon i set my alert for when i reach 75% of allotment, and if i remember its 10 dollars a GB over my 2GB.

It is $15 per gig on any overage at present. There was talk that if you had the 10GB plan or higher that fee would be reduced to $10 per gig but nothing came of it based on the fine print I read back in June.
if you're on 2GB a month... that averages about 67MB a day of Cellular Data.. Approx. On verizon i set my alert for when i reach 75% of allotment, and if i remember its 10 dollars a GB over my 2GB.
Yep. But 77MB over "4" days is no cause for concern. I think that's what others were trying to convey.
That is 77mb and I'm only allowed 300 mb. On my iPhone 4 I only use about 200mb a month for the last 2 years. So at work and at home I'm using WiFi. So this 77 mb usage is only about 1 hour of 4g usage a day while I'm on the train 30 min in the morning and afternoon. Maybe some on Sunday. I probably used it for a total of 6 hours so that's about 12.8 mb per hour. Maybe I went a little overboard since web surfing is blazing fast but I have to watch my usage from now on.
iPhone 4 doesn't support 4G. You might want to consider upgrading to 2 GB monthly plan.
Yeah, I'm at 1.5GB after only 10 days and I had averaged about 500-600MB per month prior to the iPhone 5, at least according to the VZW rep I talked to before upgrading. I assume I'm using a little bit more than normal given the "newness" factor, but I've only DL 5-6 free apps, watched +/- 10 youtube vids, and searched some Mac forums. Good thing I haven't tried out Netflix yet. I'll probably switch to my home wireless network more while at home. I was just so daggone excited about the 4G LTE speed that it's hard to go back to my home network. Oh well.

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