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Will iOS 5 support iPhone 3GS?


Staff member
May 27, 2010
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Apple fans are all looking forward to using iOS 5 after the company’s CEO, Steve Jobs whet their appetite with his keynote at WWDC. The upcoming iOS 5 will run on the iPad, iPad 2, iPod Touch 3 and 4, as well as on the iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS.

iOS 5 has been developed especially for Apple’s next generation iPhone, therefore many consumers have begun to doubt the new iOS will run seamlessly on the iPhone 3GS, which is an older generation smartphone.

And they have every reason to worry since there is precedence for such issues. Apple enabled support for the iPhone 3G when it launched iOS 4, but users were disappointed to see that iOS 4 made the iPhone 3G move as fast as a… snail. Despite updates issued by the tech giant, the issue could not be solved and Apple did not offer support for the ageing iPhone 3GS by the time it launched iOS 4.3.

iOS users are worrying that the same scenario could repeat after the launch of iOS 5 and the operating system will slow down the iPhone 3G so much that it becomes useless.
A Polish developer, who had the chance to test iOS 5, posted a video on the internet featuring an iPhone 3GS running iOS 5. It appears that the new iOS runs okay on the smartphone, which is somehow reassuring for some iOS users.

Users should also take into account the possibility that Apple could disable some new features from iOS 5 in order to improve performance for the iPhone 3GS.

By Radu Tyrsina
For more discussions on iOS 5, be sure to check out iPhone iOS 5 Forum
i thought it would not get the update but its good to see the beta on the 3gs and it working well.. he did mention at the wwdc that it would be available on the 3gs/4 and what ever other ipod touches and ipads
I had trouble updating mine but I think it is apple servers problem authenticating upgrade. I may hold off until beta 2 is released as some functions are disabled on iPad and may not be activated until late releases.