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Which size of the phone below do you want next iphone be?

i think the Lumia 920 is a good size.
I'm still in love with the original size but slightly bigger couldn't hurt much like the NoKia but it again I would rather be able to do some extras like changing screen features like icon's and other things
Damn, I've never seen the Galaxy Mega 6.3

I just read a review on it. The author says "It fits in your pocket perfectly"!
The phone was halfway in his pocket!

Here's the picture:

His exact quote:

Now the big question: can it fit in your pocket? We wear regular jeans and the device was able to fit into our pocket without any issue at all.

Ok. I immediately quit trusting reviews from Techno Buffalo. :/

Any who

I like the iPhone 5's current size. The 920's size is as big as I'd like to go.
A size not in the photo above. I think iPhone will be perfect in the blackberry z10 size
I am so sorry. Nexus 7 is not a phone.