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What Do Apple’s iPhone 5 Order Cuts Really Mean?


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
Staff member
Jun 18, 2010
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The news from the Wall Street Journal (see story below) today about Apple cutting orders for iPhone 5 parts because of “weaker than expected demand” has already been the source of much debate among Apple watchers, both pro- and anti-, as to what it all means. iDownload Blog has written a very good take on the issue, weighing up all the facts, and leading off by stating that the WSJ’s figures just don’t add up. For example, iDownload Blog notes that the figures used by the WSJ are based on Apple expecting to sell 65 million iPhones in a quarter, which seems very high, especially considering that Apple usually sells around 29 million iPhones per quarter, topping out at 34 million. iDownload Blog says that if the two reports that the WSJ’s story was based on are to be believed, that would mean that Tim Cook and co at Apple miscalculated by 50%. Again, not very likely from either Cook or Apple. iDownload Blog then gives its own reasoning behind why Apple has cut some parts orders for the iPhone 5. Could it have something to do with the forthcoming iPhone 5S that is expected in the first half of the year, which is rumoured to be using an entirely new display technology? Other commentators, such as Instapaper’s Marco Arment, have ventured that it could in fact be an attempt to manipulate Apple’s stock price prior to the forthcoming earnings call next Wednesday. Either way, there’s much more to this story than initially meets the eye.

[FONT=&quot]Source: [/FONT]Do reports of iPhone 5 part order cuts mean Apple’s in trouble?
Well, we can say this would be a good rumor. We will know more in 9 days from the quarterly report on the 23rd. This was just a cheap way to beat up Apple’s stock AGAIN.
All it probably means is that Apple is starting to build up the stockpile of parts for the next iPhone and consequently doesn't need as many iPhone 5 parts.