What are the top 10 reasons why Android has overtaken the iPhone?

What are the top 10 reasons why Android has overtaken the iPhone?


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Apr 25, 2011
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I was wondering, What are the top 10 reasons, causes, and factors why Android has overtaken the iPhone?"

Please evidence your answers.

~Signature Summary~
On a social mission to make this world better by concise centralization of the best of the most highest quality resources, rather than duplication, so individuals may develop themselves more efficiently and effectively, and become a better person overall. This 1) leads to an incredible net gain for society, as a whole, 2) prevents future loss of time, and 3) prevents wasted potential.

**Easy Actions: Please spread the word to every single contact (websites, companies, banks) you run across via Facebook, Twitter, blogs and every imaginable social media platform and resource available.

A tiny few of the best Free Resources to Enlighten & Educate:
Sir Ken Robinson On Creativity -- one of numerous TED talks
MIT OpenCourseWare --
KhanAcademy -- with 3 degrees from MIT & an MBA from Harvard, "...but it just didn't feel right. When I'm 80, I want to feel that I helped give access to a world-class education to billions of students around the world... I already have a beautiful wife, a hilarious son, two hondas and a decent house. What else does a man need?
Quora --
The #1 foundation[foundationcenter.org/findfunders/topfunders/top100giving.html] that is actually effective -- the wonderful Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Have Suggestions? Remarks? Need Feedback on Improvement! Let me know! Send to rm2.dance+socialmission ~at~ gmail ~dot~ com
1. Adobe Flash Player
2. Adobe Flash Player
3. Adobe Flash Player
4. Adobe Flash Player
5. Adobe Flash Player
6. Adobe Flash Player
7. Adobe Flash Player
8. Adobe Flash Player
9. Adobe Flash Player
10. Adobe Flash Player
1. Adobe Flash Player
2. Adobe Flash Player
3. Adobe Flash Player
4. Adobe Flash Player
5. Adobe Flash Player
6. Adobe Flash Player
7. Adobe Flash Player
8. Adobe Flash Player
9. Adobe Flash Player
10. Adobe Flash Player

Really? I don't get it. Not once have I said "aw darn I can't use flash" on my iphone. And I browse sites like mad.
Really? I don't get it. Not once have I said "aw darn I can't use flash" on my iphone. And I browse sites like mad.

Yoo take my +5 it's all yours for that great answer.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I was wondering, What are the top 10 reasons, causes, and factors why Android has overtaken the iPhone?"

Please evidence your answers.

~Signature Summary~
On a social mission to make this world better by concise centralization of the best of the most highest quality resources, rather than duplication, so individuals may develop themselves more efficiently and effectively, and become a better person overall. This 1) leads to an incredible net gain for society, as a whole, 2) prevents future loss of time, and 3) prevents wasted potential.

**Easy Actions: Please spread the word to every single contact (websites, companies, banks) you run across via Facebook, Twitter, blogs and every imaginable social media platform and resource available.

A tiny few of the best Free Resources to Enlighten & Educate:
Sir Ken Robinson On Creativity -- one of numerous TED talks
MIT OpenCourseWare --
KhanAcademy -- with 3 degrees from MIT & an MBA from Harvard, "...but it just didn't feel right. When I'm 80, I want to feel that I helped give access to a world-class education to billions of students around the world... I already have a beautiful wife, a hilarious son, two hondas and a decent house. What else does a man need?
Quora --
The #1 foundation[foundationcenter.org/findfunders/topfunders/top100giving.html] that is actually effective -- the wonderful Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Have Suggestions? Remarks? Need Feedback on Improvement! Let me know! Send to rm2.dance+socialmission ~at~ gmail ~dot~ com

Because iOS has only 2 phones that can currently run the latest software. Android has hundreds of phones that are using very fragmented software. In proportion iOS is bigger.
Because iOS has only 2 phones that can currently run the latest software. Android has hundreds of phones that are using very fragmented software. In proportion iOS is bigger.

ahh really??? Thanks for the info, it's crutial to know this one :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
1. Adobe Flash Player
2. Adobe Flash Player
3. Adobe Flash Player
4. Adobe Flash Player
5. Adobe Flash Player
6. Adobe Flash Player
7. Adobe Flash Player
8. Adobe Flash Player
9. Adobe Flash Player
10. Adobe Flash Player

well the thing is about flash is that apple dont like it and would rather use html5 but the thing is when ms introduced html 5 they where showing off about it a lot as well... you will find in the end that flash is not as good.. plus you can get flash if you jb if you badly need it
i think it has to do with variety. there are tons of different droids, some global, some with keyboard or without, and different size screens
Why do we respond to trolls?

P.s. I've been frustrated by lack of flash (Try going to an auto manufacturers website with an iPhone)
iPhone has only Safari browser (without flash btw ;) - Android has browserS
After a little research I discovered that Android currently has 25 different manufacturers world wide using the Android OS.

I think thats the big misconception. Apple makes their phones and their OS. "Android" isn't a phone, its an operating system on dozens(hundreds?) of different phones. So maybe Android is dominating, but whos making the most money? How many Motorola android phones are out there compared to iPhones for instance?
iPhone has only Safari browser (without flash btw ;) - Android has browserS

iOS and Android use the same browser code base. Only difference is the version they compiled from based on OS release date and some extra switches that iOS has turned off. IE the flash plug-in.
Now that I am at a computer instead of on a phone, lets answer this top 10 properly.

In no particular order.

1) It's not an Apple product with a fixed price point.
2) Market applications on Android are cheaper or free.
3) Seven different screen resolutions, four different CPUs, four different GPUs result in over 170 different phones on the market which allow for price points from free to $300 for a two year contract.
4) Side loading apps (IE the ability to install apps from the SD card)
5) An SD card.
6) Screen sizes range from 4.3 inches down to 2.7 inches.
7) The ability to replace all of the "Stock applications" with custom one from the Market.
8) Widgets.
9) True application multitasking.
10) Adobe Flash.

I could go on but this list, in my opinion, represents why Apple is losing market share in the cellular phone arena at present.
Voice to Text
Free Navigation

Thats just for the average consumer though. I work in a VZW store and I see people everyday ooh and ahhh over the navigation and voice to text.

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