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Tom Coburn: new iphone 4s owner


New Member
Nov 30, 2011
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Hello everyone,

my name is Tom Coburn.
This is my first time ever owning an iphone.

I also have an ipod touch, not the current generation but previous generation before that
the newest one WITHOUT mic and cameras.

I had wanted an iphone for a long time, but could not get one because of being with Verizon.
When Apple decided to come out with a Verizon version, I first laughed in my brother inlaws
face because he said Apple would NEVER come out with a Verizon version because the SIM cards
are different, but Apple proved him wrong so I had to laugh. lol

Anyway after having a good laugh about that,
my new every 2 contract wasn't technically up until Jan 2012
so I was going to wait until then to get iphone 5
expected out sometime around next year, but then
when iphone came out with a 4s, I thought, well maybe I'll get it
since getting it at the new every 2 price would only save me $50

So I got the iphone 4s oh about a week or two ago

So far I've been very happy with it, except one of the speakers is out,
so I'll probably have to get that repaired, but I didn't want to send it to Apple
because I didn't want to be without my iphone for that long, so I may end up taking
it to a local repair shop or something that specializes in iphone repair.

One of the speakers has been out ever since I got it, so I should have sent it back then,
but didn't want to be without it even for a day. hehe
so even at top volume the speaker is way too soft you can barely hear it even at
max volume, but works well with headphones so I'll probably just get it repaired at some point.

Anyway, I am a 41 year old male, single. I was born blind from the measles mom had with she was pregnant with me.
For awhile I had partial eyesight, but now I am near total. I use magnification on the Computer because its a 23 inch display, but the iphone I have to pretty much use VoiceOver. 500% magnification just isn't enough
so I've been trying to get the hang of VoiceOver, but on some apps that don't support VoiceOver
I have enough vision to be able to see the screen if I connect it to a Closed Circut Television or something like that,
which is nice I get to take advantage of both worlds that way, can still play games on it that don't support voiceOver some of them anyway, but traveling I'm pretty much strictly a VoiceOver user.

take care
Congratulations on your new purchase! Glad your enjoying it. There is only one mic on the iphone the other is a speaker so they isn't anything wrong with your phone.
Welcome to iPF.net, Tom!!! The "speaker" that isn't working isn't a speaker.... it's your microphone for conversations & voice recognition.
oh ok thank you :)

for it only having that one speaker, the volume sure is low on it.
I have it turned up to its max volume and I still can't hear it unless I'm in a
completely quiet room.

as good as my hearing is I wouldn't say anything, but I can't hear it when
it rings half the time. and yes I discovered the mute unmute switch hehe
that was the solution to no sound at first but even unmuted its still soft hehe
Welcome, Tom. It was good reading your post. I see you jumped the gun with the 4S, and that's not a bad thing. I'm holding out for the version 5, or whatever it will be called, next year. Be well.
what does retina display mean?

I've read on several apps that such-and-such app has retina display features,
what does that even mean? what does it do like look at your eye or something
like in x-men movies. can't imagine a camera on an iphone doing that.. lol
tcoburn said:
what does retina display mean?

I've read on several apps that such-and-such app has retina display features,
what does that even mean? what does it do like look at your eye or something
like in x-men movies. can't imagine a camera on an iphone doing that.. lol

"Retina" is what Apple named the HD screen on the iPhone 4 & 4S.