So you switched from Android to iPhone. Are you happy?

So you switched from Android to iPhone. Are you happy?

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to answer my own question above, verizon let me upgrade early to the ip4, lol.
I had the original Droid and upgraded to the Droid X. I ditched the X for the Iphone 4.

For what I use a phone for email, calls, games and music this phone is the best. It is what I wanted out of the other 2 phones but for me they fell short. I have been with Verizon 6 years and this is the 1st phone that I can drive to work and not drop a call in the 2 spots I used to. I even get signal at my house which I did not with my droids

For forwarding MMS messages the stock messenger sucks! With the droid I could go in select the contacts I wanted and send it on. The Iphone lags in this department.

I rooted my droid and to me it was extremely buggy afterwards. Because of this I am hesitant to JB my Iphone. But I may just to try Bitesms and see if it will do what I want.

If you jailbreak and do nothing else there is basically no difference. Certain things you might install may be buggy thats why I would recommend installing one thing at a time. If its buggy then get rid of it. If not move on. I have only done minor customizations to mine and it runs like it did from the factory.
In the past several years I have gone from Palm Treo, Windows Mobile, Blackberry, WebOS, Android. And I can honestly say the my switch to the Verizon iPhone 4 was the best move I made. FYI I have been on Verizon for 9 years and have enjoyed great service and civerage.
Without a doubt! I have owned the Razr, Palm Treo, iPhone 3GS (AT&T), HTC Incredible and the HTC EVO. This is by far the best move I have ever made! I live in an area with poor cell reception period, however AT&T is even worse.
Extremely happy. I'm an Apple person, always have been. The biggest problem I had with my Droid 1 was trying to sync my calendars. I hate Google calendar, and could never find anything remotely like Datebk, which I used with all my Palms. For a number of reasons, I have to have Verizon, so in reality the Droid was a stopgap. I was one of the people who waited up in the middle of the night to order my iPhone4. Now my Mac, my iPad and my iPhone are happily enjoying "mobileme"!!
I'm not a big fan of Steve Jobs as a person so I've been a decent Apple hater over the past 3-4 years. I had been waiting for the Thunderbolt for about 4 months, pre-ordered it the second Best Buy opened Feb 7th, and it never came. Still hasn't come out. So about 5 days ago I bought the iP4 in pure frustration with Verizon fartin around with the TB. Honestly I had planned on buying the iP4 and selling it on eBay just to make some money, but I fell in love with it.

Went from an Android fanboy to the Iphone 4 and probably will not go back for a while.

+ Works, all the time.
+ Smooth, all the time.
+ Build quality, s/w quality.
+ Retina display is gorgeous.
+ IMO multitasks way more efficiently than Android.
- No widgets
- No share button on nearly everything like Android.
- Delicate, very worried about a drop ending its life. Not buying a fat bulky case.
- Insurance is outrageous.
Wow you guys are really making a case for iPhone. I was really hesitant but am so glad to hear opinions from people who actually had android who switched. Hearing iPhone is great from people that never had something to compare it to was not helping.

I have read several articles online and many stating Android actually beats iPhone so it was really making me think the iPhone might be a scary choice.

Thanks again!
The problem with hearing other peoples opinions about anything is the fact that everyone has different priorities. What is vitally important to one person may be completely insignificant to another.

For instance, on some comparisons in certain threads the notification light has been mentioned. Some needed it so bad they wouldn't consider the iPhone because it didn't have one. Others liked the iPhone better because the notification light on the Androids annoyed them. Different stokes and all.

I miss some things about the Droid, like voice commands that are not on the iPhone. The iPhone's UI and overall experience makes up for the loses, though. FOR ME.

Bottom line, I wouldn't go back until the Android system gets more polished. Even then, the iPhone will get better so maybe I'll never go back. Only time will tell. I'm happy now, no question.
Very true.. Same here... Don't download sbs toggles it kills the battery. FYI.

The toggles are just fast ways to turn on or off certain functions. I find it helps save the battery, not drain it, b/c for example, I can quickly turn on/off my bluetooth whenever I get in or out of my car.
I had the Droid-X and was very happy with it! It actually was a very nice phone. so at first I was hesitant to get an iphone.... But after 3-weeks the love affair still isn't over I love this thing!

Just the build quality of it alone is fantastic! As far as speed I really don't see a whole lot of difference between the two :o/ The X was way better navigation wise! but I have a Garmin so it was more or less a novelty that I would never use....

I prefer the size of this to the X also.

A very nice product I am very happy with it!
ditched droid x for viph4 and never looked back. i love it.

iphone FTW
what is a droid???
I looooove my iPhone. Converted over from android samsung fascinate and not lookin back!!!!
I switched from the Droid to the iPhone. I'm very happy with the iPhone. MUCH more polished interface.

It's true that the Andriod can be customized way more, but I've found that I don't miss that at all. I was constantly changing the screens around on my Droid, and trying different homescreen apps. It got to be more of an annoyance than anything else. Don't get me wrong here, if that's your thing go for it. It turns out (for me) to be counterproductive, though.

There are some things I miss, most of all the Google navigation. Nothing on the iPhone can touch it (yet). Mapquest does a pretty good job, but Google was better. All in all, the free Mapquest app will get you to where you want to go though.

Also, you could do darn near anything with Android just by talking to it. The iPhone isn't there yet, at least not to the level the Android OS is. On the other hand, the iPhone (for me) is way more accurate in understanding your voice in what it does do.

Two things stand out in favor of the iPhone, in my opinion.
1. email. WAY better viewing experience on the iPhone. Nothing on the Android OS comes close, nothing.
2. responsiveness of the interface. The iPhone has it hands down over any Droid I tried. Some say that the rooted and overclocked droids are just as smooth, and I can't dispute that, but I find it hard to believe anything could be as smooth as the iPhone operation.

Those are my findings after a couple weeks with the iPhone. Am I happy? You betcha. Would I go back to the Android system? Only with a proven, out of the box phone that was consistently as easy to use and smooth of operation as the iPhone.

Oh, do I miss Flash? Nope, it was a PITA mostly. Phone data speeds need to get faster before Flash is ggod enough on any phone.

am I a iPhone fanboy? Not on your life, I'm just telling it like it is.

Android phones, especially if you root, have almost endless possibilities. But I realized Android phones might be "too much phone". It might have TOO many features that I really never use. Yes, my phone is rooted (because Samsung Fascinates SUCK without it). But I'd like a phone that is smooth as butter without rooting. iPhones are the only ones that are. As far as the customizing - yeah, I find myself changing stuff around all the time and it comes as more of an annoyance than anything else.

Samsung Fascinates came out of the box (on launch day in September; I think the newer ones are better) with a broken GPS and Samsung said they'd never fix it. A main reason why I'm chomping at the bit with this phone to get a phone that works AS IT'S SUPPOSED TO out of the box.

I never used the voice thing, so I won't miss that.

My mom has an iPhone and I love the email integration. Way better than my Gmail which I usually have to manually refresh.

I'm not a big fan of Steve Jobs as a person so I've been a decent Apple hater over the past 3-4 years. I had been waiting for the Thunderbolt for about 4 months, pre-ordered it the second Best Buy opened Feb 7th, and it never came. Still hasn't come out. So about 5 days ago I bought the iP4 in pure frustration with Verizon fartin around with the TB. Honestly I had planned on buying the iP4 and selling it on eBay just to make some money, but I fell in love with it.

Went from an Android fanboy to the Iphone 4 and probably will not go back for a while.

+ Works, all the time.
+ Smooth, all the time.
+ Build quality, s/w quality.
+ Retina display is gorgeous.
+ IMO multitasks way more efficiently than Android.
- No widgets
- No share button on nearly everything like Android.
- Delicate, very worried about a drop ending its life. Not buying a fat bulky case.
- Insurance is outrageous.

If I go Android, I'd get the Thunderbolt, but I love hearing that you fell in love with the iPhone. I'm totally getting an iPhone whenever I can upgrade or if I feel like throwing my entire tax return (well, a large portion) at it once I get it. This is why I want the iPhone - it works all the time and is smooth all the time. And it's just a solid phone with an amazing screen. My mom has one like I said and every time I'm playing on it I just fall more and more in love. I wish my Fascinate was remotely as good as iOS.
So the battery life with the Iphone is better? Thats what I want to know before I switch from Android.
Very happy! I made the switch from an original Droid to the iPhone.

There are a few things that I do miss. I miss the ability to set ringer profiles, I miss google navigation, and I do miss the little notification light. I have adapted and am not looking back! With the Droid 1 I was constantly hanging up calls with my cheek, worrying if texts went to the correct contacts, and having to recharge mid-way through the day.

I LOVE my iPhone!!
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