Problem With Sync To My Computer.

Problem With Sync To My Computer.


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Dec 23, 2011
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Hi just wondering if anyone would know what is going on with my IPhone when I sync it to my computer... It says if i continue with the sync it will erase some of my contacts and other things... How do I fix this... And y is it doing it...
Uncheck what you don't want synced. You can sync your iTunes stuff to your phone, but not your phone stuff to your itunes. For example, if you have added new contacts to your phone, it will erase them if you sync to your itunes. Uncheck your contacts if you do not want them synced. Syncing is for adding stuff to your phone from itunes.
Thanks heaps for your help..! A lot of my friends Have this problem as well it's good to know it was us not the phone :p lol
Uncheck what you don't want synced. You can sync your iTunes stuff to your phone, but not your phone stuff to your itunes. For example, if you have added new contacts to your phone, it will erase them if you sync to your itunes. Uncheck your contacts if you do not want them synced. Syncing is for adding stuff to your phone from itunes.
I'm sorry... but this is incorrect. Once your phone is sync'd w/ your iTunes account anything you add to you phone, whether it be music or ringtones purchased from the iTunes app or contacts you added to your phone book, it WILL sync from your phone to your computer and update the music or ringtones saved on the computer & update your contact list (where ever you have it saved; Gmail, outlook, ect.). There is a setting in iTunes that will prompt you if you're changing more than 25% of something on your phone... either contacts, music, apps, whatever.
You should look into possibly getting an application to backup your data. There are plenty of free sync backup apps in the Android Market, and that way you don't need to mess with a USB cord anymore, easy to get phone to and off of your phone.
I'll Have a look :)) thanks heaps I ended up ringing Optus and getting them too tell me how to do it and I had too back up first b4 I done anything else I've had no problem since doing it but Ur way sounds way easier :)) thanks

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