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need help figuring out icloud


Mar 4, 2012
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So I have a pc and have read through a couple of 'how to setup icloud" but basically i wanna know if i have to upload files on my pc to some digital storage site, like dropbox i guess, or if my iphone can access the pics,documents,videos,and mp3s on my hard drive?
I have it turned on but I write a lot using basic windows notepad (*.txt) and would like to be able to work on the files while I'm out. I was hoping icloud would let me do this while also viewing videos that're on my pc that I haven't uploaded on the phone. I have a wired modem so I didn't know if I needed a wifi modem for this to work or if I'm just going out of my mind.
I haven't jb'd it yet but am greatly considering it.
thank you in advance
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iCloud was not made for what you want to do. iCloud was made to store data so it can easily be restored to your phone after a restore. You cannot edit documents. You cannot really do anything with the data that is stored in iCloud. It is just there. You can delete iPhone backups and Photo Stream photos but that is pretty much it. There is really nothing to figure out. Honestly.

For editing documents and keeping them updated i recommend Dropbox and an iPhone app called PlainText. i use it. Works great. Any changes you make to a document in PlainText will be saved on all devices in your dropbox account.
thanks guess i'll go with dropbox i thought it was like the android version of icloud or somethin
One more option is SKYDRIVE.. From Hotmail. It gives u 25GB Free space and can be accessed from any pc via hotmail account. Dropbox gives u only 5GB free space. SKYDRIVE app is available free for Iphone.

Sent from my iPhone using iPF.net
I love drop box! I have so much saved there it's one of my fav apps ever!!
I have back ups of my epubs (ebooks) on there a back up.
I'd buy a flash drive so u can take it out Amd keep it always!!( what I do too)
I cloud I find confusing and still convenient ESP to see what my 16 yr old apps she's downloading or buying (it comes in my phone) or whatever is on Thr iPad it all integrates via icloud
njshoremom4gurlz said:
I love drop box! I have so much saved there it's one of my fav apps ever!!
I have back ups of my epubs (ebooks) on there a back up.
I'd buy a flash drive so u can take it out Amd keep it always!!( what I do too)
I cloud I find confusing and still convenient ESP to see what my 16 yr old apps she's downloading or buying (it comes in my phone) or whatever is on Thr iPad it all integrates via icloud

Dropbox lover here too.

There are other apps just as good too. With more space.

SugarSync: 5GB
Coud2go: endless, but has uploading limit for each file. (CloudApp for Mac/FluffyApp for Windows)
Dropbox: 2GB
SkyDrive: 25GB

you can alway use your iPhone as a USB flash drive via i-FunBox for Windows or Mac.

Actually you can see what apps are being purchased on other devices because the other devices are logged into your account.

iCloud is not as "confusing" as people think. There is nothing really to "figure out".

It simply stores data so your can restore the data after a restore. There is really nothing you can do with it.

You can delete iDevice backups, and photo stream photos...but that is it really. All it does is store things for easy restoration after a restore.
I am using skydrive from hotmail and so far so good try that it will help you for sure