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My 64gb 4s failed after 22 days of use


Jul 28, 2011
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It's hard to believe but my 4s failed so bad they couldnt fix it. If you look back under posts I've made I reported having problems dialing a contacts phone number from my phonebook. I would select the contact and its number press connect and nothing would happen. AT+T "fixed" the problem so I thought by reactivating the phone with for me which worked at first.
On the 1st of November I noticed that the problem seemed have started up again. I called AT+T and they tried to reactivate it and it wouldnt fix the problem this time so they forwarded me off to apple for support. they too were unable to figure out what was wrong and asked me to take my phone to a local apple store to have them look at it. One of the employees tried the phone and saw the problem first hand, he showed the phones problem to his boss and even though the boss had said he had seen another 4s do what mine was doing he ordered me a new replacement which should arrive Monday the 7th.
If you start having trouble were when you try to dial a contact and all you hear is your own voice threw the speaker of the phone and no dialing or connection is made your phone may need to be replaced like mine is. I can only dial numbers by manually entering the phone numbers for the phone to work.

Well great you get a replacement that's fantastic. Warranty is one year. Hopefully all will be well
Absolutely... great news that they're sending you in a replacement. Hopefully it'll be a "New" replacement, though.
thomasjtsi said:
Absolutely... great news that they're sending you in a replacement. Hopefully it'll be a "New" replacement, though.

Lol! Wonder why they didn't give you a new phone on the spot. That's what they did when I had problems with my iPhone 4.
thomasjtsi said:
Absolutely... great news that they're sending you in a replacement. Hopefully it'll be a "New" replacement, though.

I asked if they planned on sending me a refurb and the said no
p3unit32 said:
Lol! Wonder why they didn't give you a new phone on the spot. That's what they did when I had problems with my iPhone 4.

The apple store I was at only had the 64gb 4s in white and I wanted black
I hope everything get fix soon RandyM and I'm glad that Apple as always made it right for you.

Best of luck and keep us post in your progress.
Brand new Black 64gb iPhone 4s arrived yesterday Fedex. Set it up as a new phone and everything seems to be fine. Everything worked right out of setup without making any calls to AT+T this time. Will hold onto the broken phone an extra day to be sure.