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Minimize Keyboard


New Member
Jan 15, 2012
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Hi. I am new to the iPhone. Just had the DroidX. My question is how can I minimize the keyboard? I know if I am on facebook and I touch a different part of the screen it will minimize. In text messaging on the phone you just scroll through the texts and it'll minimize but I found that I needed to minimize it so I could push a button to post something and couldn't. I was using an app called Sound Hound. Its a app that will find songs for you by listening to it on the radio. Then you have the option to share it on facebook so when I click on share a comment box also comes up so you can write something to post with it. The problem is when I was done writing I couldn't click on the share button cuz it was under the keyboard and I couldn't figure out how to close it. Can anyone help me with this??

Unfortunately it is not possible...what I do is try to scroll the screen above the keyboard a bit upwards and post....silly, i know , but there isnt a way....I dont know why. Ipad has a button to minimize keyboard , they shoulda integrated it into iphone too.
I tried to do that but there wasn't much on this screen so there was no way to scroll away from it. I can not believe how smart this phone is but I can't minimize the keyboard? That to me is insane. I now can't use that app, well I can but I can never post a comment with the video. Thank you do much for letting me know. I appreciate it.
I am guessing they do updates to the iPhone right? Maybe they will add it. It is possible to get a different keyboard like you can on the DroidX?
tracylfarr said:
I am guessing they do updates to the iPhone right? Maybe they will add it. It is possible to get a different keyboard like you can on the DroidX?

Stuff like that only for jailbroken iphones. They have modifications for those. I had a black 5row keyboard for instance

But 4s, there is no jailbreak yet ans besides, you should read up and learn the phone a bit before jailbreaking
Ok. Thank you for the info. Greatly appreciated.