Loose/Wiggly Home Button

Loose/Wiggly Home Button


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Feb 19, 2011
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My iPhone home button is a bit loose. I can wiggle it around and it will make a clicking noise. Though the home button works fine, the wiggle and clicking sound is very annoying as I'm ocd about this kind of stuff. My iPhone is 2 1/2 weeks old and was purchased at the Verizon store. If I took it into the Apple store would they let me exchange it for this kind of issue?
My brothers iPhone doesn't have the wiggle and we bought it at the same time. I checked my iPod Touch and it doesn't have wiggle either.

I read the iPhone return policy and it stated:

"If you are not fully satisfied with your iPhone purchase, you can return your undamaged iPhone within 30 days of purchase for a full refund."

Again I bought mine at the Verizon store, and they have a 14 day return policy (I'm at 17 days). So does Apples iPhone 30 day return policy still apply if it wasn't purchased at the Apple Store? Because the Apple site doesn't state that it must be purchased from the Apple Store.
well if you cant return it you could replace the home button yourself theres videos on youtube on how to replace that button and its only like $7 for the part
Made an appointment with the genius bar at 4pm. Will update.
Don't leave without a new phone. Since you've only had your phone a couple weeks make sure its new as pigeon said...
Just got back, I told the genius my iPhone home button is too loose and clicks when wiggled around. He tested it and right away said, "Yeah this is definately too loose, I'm going to set you up with a replacement". I'm not sure if the replacement is new though? He pulled it out of a black box? It sure does look new though, has front and back shields that come on new iPhones. Is it possible Apple already has refurbished Verizon iPhones? It's only been out for about 3 weeks.
To be honest you can't really tell the difference between a new and refurbished iPhone. It's just nice to know you haven't traded your 2 week old phone for one a few months old. Since your on verzion it will only be a few weeks old anyway. After all your phone will end up in someone elses hands after apple fix the home button and refurbish it.

If it was a brand new phone I think it would of came in it's proper box like yours would have the first time...
Well after I installed my invisible shield, when I layed the phone down on my desk I heard a rattling noise! The sleep/wake button is a bit loose, but seems to be coming from near the camera. Anytime I lay my phone down on a hard surface or tap my finger around the camera it makes a rattling noise. I can tap it on the front screen and it won't rattle, only when tapping near the camera I can reproduce the rattle.

After some googling this seems to be a very common issue. So I'm thinking it has something to do with the camera. My brothers iPhone and cousins Fascinate makes the same rattling noise too.

Anyways yes it's annoying, but as long as this iPhone works properly I don't think I'm going to bother trying to replace this one. I rather have this rattle over the loose home button any day + I'm already -$60 buying two invisible shields lol.
If it was me I would still take it back. I had about 7 3GS's last year. Lol...
To be honest you can't really tell the difference between a new and refurbished iPhone. It's just nice to know you haven't traded your 2 week old phone for one a few months old. Since your on verzion it will only be a few weeks old anyway. After all your phone will end up in someone elses hands after apple fix the home button and refurbish it.

If it was a brand new phone I think it would of came in it's proper box like yours would have the first time...


Apple refurbs are very well done, almost like they replace everything except the system board. My iPod Touch 1G was a refurb, and aside from the packaging you couldn't tell the difference; aside from the lower price.

So, even if it IS a refurb, it's a whole different animal from the "Certified Like-New Replacements" us Verizon customers are used to dealing with (which often arrive with issues, and more often than not seem like they haven't been "refurbed" at all).
If it was me I would still take it back. I had about 7 3GS's last year. Lol...

Exactly what I would do. With the money I paid I want to be completely satisfied with what I get. If theres a little problem I'd rather get it fixed than just live with it for the next God knows how long
If it was me I would still take it back. I had about 7 3GS's last year. Lol...

Exactly what I would do. With the money I paid I want to be completely satisfied with what I get. If theres a little problem I'd rather get it fixed than just live with it for the next God knows how long

Well, I couldn't take the loose power button rattling when shaking the phone. So I booked the last genius appointment for today. The genius took it to the back room for like 15 min, came out and said it's the vibrate/mute switch. I told him that switch was solid and it was the power button. He denied it, saying the tech in the back room agreed too. I took the phone from him and put it next to his ear shaking it and tapping near the button, to prove it was coming from that area. After that he offered an exchange. The replacement I got is really solid, none of the buttons wiggle at all, and the home button is even more tighter than the iPhone I exchanged tonight.

Unfortunately this one also has the rattle when laying it down on a hard surface or tapping near the camera. I am beginning to believe it really is the auto focus/ vibrate motor that causes this. Overall there is NO LOOSE BUTTONS and everything looks and feels solid, so I'm a happy camper now!

And how come NONE of the Apple Store workers know how to activate a Verizon iPhone?! Very odd... Both times they tried for like 10-15 min in frustration, plugging into multiple macbooks, asking their co-workers, then just telling me to visit a Verizon store for activation.

Anyways thanks for telling me to go get it replaced again. Now I'm at 3 iPhones in 3 weeks lol.
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i think all iphone 4 phones have that rattle every iphone at the verizon store did so i wouldnt worry about it
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My phone doesn't rattle and it's a good few months old. Not a verzion mind you...
I switched from AT&T to VZW, my VZW iPhone 4 does not rattle anywhere nor is it loose anywhere. I say time for your fourth! LOL.

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