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Jailbreaking Vs Rooting


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Mar 14, 2011
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I am coming from a rooted Samsung Fascinate and was wanting to Jailbreak my Iphone 4. I was wondering does Jailbreaking the Iphone cause some of the features on the phone to quite working like when You root an Android device and if so how??? Is it worth it???? Does it cause lag???? Battery still ok???
In short, I won't choose iPad or Nook Color, because they're using backlight screen like computer screen, and is difficult to our eyes. Just not suitable for reading purpose. For other ebook readers including the B&N Nook, Sony Reader, and Amazon Kindle, I'll go for the Kindle. For the Sony Reader,
I am coming from a rooted Samsung Fascinate and was wanting to Jailbreak my Iphone 4. I was wondering does Jailbreaking the Iphone cause some of the features on the phone to quite working like when You root an Android device and if so how??? Is it worth it???? Does it cause lag???? Battery still ok???

I used to have a Droid 1 rooted and had that for a long time until i decided to upgrade to the Iphone mostly due to a lagging phone that started to slow down when it came to taking phone calls and answering phone calls, I got my iphone 4, and it took me about 3 days before i jailbroke my phone and it has not effected anything on my phone so far, it has just givem me alot of options that i didnt have before, like customizing my theme, adding Wifi Hotspot app that costs me 20 dollar one time fee instead of paying Verizon this every month and also feature that allows me to use facetime without having wifi......and battery is still good, as long as you dont run live wallpapers or anything running all the time, you should be good.

Another benefit is that it is alot easier to go back to default through recovery in Itunes then re rooting the Droid phone.
I am coming from a rooted Samsung Fascinate and was wanting to Jailbreak my Iphone 4. I was wondering does Jailbreaking the Iphone cause some of the features on the phone to quite working like when You root an Android device and if so how??? Is it worth it???? Does it cause lag???? Battery still ok???

I used to have a Droid 1 rooted and had that for a long time until i decided to upgrade to the Iphone mostly due to a lagging phone that started to slow down when it came to taking phone calls and answering phone calls, I got my iphone 4, and it took me about 3 days before i jailbroke my phone and it has not effected anything on my phone so far, it has just givem me alot of options that i didnt have before, like customizing my theme, adding Wifi Hotspot app that costs me 20 dollar one time fee instead of paying Verizon this every month and also feature that allows me to use facetime without having wifi......and battery is still good, as long as you dont run live wallpapers or anything running all the time, you should be good.

Another benefit is that it is alot easier to go back to default through recovery in Itunes then re rooting the Droid phone.

Thank you very much this was a HUGE help. I also like the fact that its alot easier to go back to stock then ANY android was. LOL I went and got the thunderbolt and returned it in like 3 hours for my Iphone lol. I think I may do it this weekend and see all what I can do. Thanks again. Any suggestions on what to try first from someone also coming from a andrid phone???
Read some of the articles and stickies in the Hacking forum.

Thats the best advice you can get.
Merely rooting the Droid doesn't cause it to lag. Similarly, merely jailbreaking the iphone doesn't cause it to lag.

HOWEVER, the untested and sometimes buggy apps that you install AFTER jailbreaking could very well make your phone buggy or your battery to drain.

In both cases, it's not the rooting/jailbreaking that causes issues, but the unproven apps that can cause problems.
What the hell are you talking about?

In short, I won't choose iPad or Nook Color, because they're using backlight screen like computer screen, and is difficult to our eyes. Just not suitable for reading purpose. For other ebook readers including the B&N Nook, Sony Reader, and Amazon Kindle, I'll go for the Kindle. For the Sony Reader,
Merely rooting the Droid doesn't cause it to lag. Similarly, merely jailbreaking the iphone doesn't cause it to lag.

HOWEVER, the untested and sometimes buggy apps that you install AFTER jailbreaking could very well make your phone buggy or your battery to drain.

In both cases, it's not the rooting/jailbreaking that causes issues, but the unproven apps that can cause problems.

Well it has all to do about common sense...if you install an App that works buggy or that suddenly drains your battery like crazy....then uninstall it....there are alo apps that are untested that are much better than the tested ones on the App store...because they are made by people who knows what they are doing.
I am coming from a rooted Samsung Fascinate and was wanting to Jailbreak my Iphone 4. I was wondering does Jailbreaking the Iphone cause some of the features on the phone to quite working like when You root an Android device and if so how??? Is it worth it???? Does it cause lag???? Battery still ok???

The confusion here is that ROOTING an Android device should have absolutely no impact on performance, as you are simply adding a way to access the "superuser" account - and an interface to allow/deny apps permission to run as "superuser". It could be equated to logging in as the "root" user on a normal desktop Linux distro, hence the term "rooting".

It is when you start using custom ROMs and kernels that things stop working. A custom ROM is basically a complete replacemet OS; it may be based on the same base code but contains some differences (and oftentimes, lacks certain optimizations). Slowdown occurs due to badly written apps that run in the background, as well as custom kernels that do wacky things with memory management. For instance, some custom ROM/kernel combos are more agressive at killing off background apps, if things are too aggressive it may start killing off critical processes such as the launcher, which will slow things down. Sometimes significantly.

Jailbreaking could be compared to rooting in some ways, as it does open up the phone to allow elevated privelages (sort of like running as an admin user vs. a normal user on Windows). However, in the case of iOS; there ARE no custom "ROMs"/kernels - those remain stock Apple code. So in general, things should not randomly stop working. The issue with iBooks not working on a jailbroken device was unique, as the iBooks app itself attempted to run unsigned code on the device to determine whether or not it was jailbroken. If the code ran, it assumed the device was jailbroken and iBooks would fail to load books. This has since been fixed, though.