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ITUNES authorization


New Member
Feb 2, 2015
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Need help.
I originally was using a certain PC to manage my IPHONES content. This computer was located at my home. It seems that ITUNES only lets one PC have that kind of control. Through my work PC I can see the content, but cannot do any editing. Before this was OK, but here is my problem.

My wife reformatted the house PC and before she did I did not de authorize that PC. From my work PC I tried de-authorizing all PC's and that worked. Even after the re formatting the house PC I went and re loaded ITUNES and now can't do any editing of the phones content. What I really would like to do is have my work PC become the main PC for managing my phones content. It seems to do that I must re sync my phone to the work PC, but if I do that I will wipe out my phones content and re sync with my work PC which I do not keep any content on. I just want to be able to edit through ITUNEs as I did with the house PC before.

Is there an easier way to make the work PC the main PC when using ITUNES?
I found this Apple support thread that will help you transfer the content from your iPhone to the PC without having it erased. Recover your iTunes library from your iPod or i... Apple Support Communities
Sorry if I did not make my self clear. I am just looking to be able to manage my phones content from my work PC. I use to be able to do that from the home PC. I don't want to copy or transfer, just manage from my work PC. Right now I can see the detail, but its grayed out. Can't do anything with it.

Thanks for your input though.
Managing the content on your iPhone by using iTunes on your computer requires syncing the iPhone to iTunes on the computer to have the changes take effect. This will end up downloading content to the iTunes library on your computer.

How were you able to manage the content on your iPhone from your home computer without syncing it?
Managing the content on your iPhone by using iTunes on your computer requires syncing the iPhone to iTunes on the computer to have the changes take effect. This will end up downloading content to the iTunes library on your computer.

How were you able to manage the content on your iPhone from your home computer without syncing it?

It was sync'd and working just fine. What I am worried about is if I re sync with my work computer it will erase all the songs on my phone and want to dump what is located in my ITUNES library on work PC over to my phone. Which is no songs or videos on my work PC. From what I am reading on what to do, that what sounds like is going to happen.
The link I posted earlier will stop your iPhone from being erased when syncing to a different computer than was previously used to sync your iPhone. Study the article carefully before following its suggestions.