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Iphone ringer buttons weirdly working


New Member
Apr 18, 2012
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My iPhone volume keys work... Kind of. Sometimes when I press them there is no "ringer" at the top of the box and therefore it doesn't make the ringer louder at all. The only way I've found to fix it is to restart the phone. Help!!!
That's because the volume buttons are context sensitive. IE if you are in a mode where sound is playing, it will adjust that volume. If you are on a call it will adjust that volume. If you are at the spring board and nothing is going on, you will adjust the ringer volume.

So yes, it can seem "sporadic" but in reality it is based on what you are doing at the time.
It doesn't even say "ringer" in the springboard.

Your iPhone "thinks" you are doing something that is no ringer related. At present, based on your screen shot, I would guess it thinks you are playing music.

The reboot helping is a clue to that fact. Since a reboot stops all background audio tasks. Just for the grins and giggles, try the following.

Double click the home button.
Hold down the first app till it wiggles.
Touch the red - on every single app till they are all gone.
Hit the home button once.
Then adjust the volume up and down.

If the Ringer reappears it was an app stuck in background. You get to have fun finding which app it is.

If it doesn't, then you need to do a full back up and restore because you have something wrong with your software.
Skull One said:
Your iPhone "thinks" you are doing something that is no ringer related. At present, based on your screen shot, I would guess it thinks you are playing music.

The reboot helping is a clue to that fact. Since a reboot stops all background audio tasks. Just for the grins and giggles, try the following.

Double click the home button.
Hold down the first app till it wiggles.
Touch the red - on every single app till they are all gone.
Hit the home button once.
Then adjust the volume up and down.

If the Ringer reappears it was an app stuck in background. You get to have fun finding which app it is.

If it doesn't, then you need to do a full back up and restore because you have something wrong with your software.

Thanks! First option worked luckily, I would not have had fun restoring. I've done it about 5 times the past 2 months.
When you figure out which app it was, please post it. Would like to know which one was misbehaving.
I'm quite certain there's more than one. But closing the directv app fixed it at least once.
I am actually not shocked at all that you listed DirecTV as a culprit. I have been a customer of theirs since the begining. And their software has always been a "little lacking". The only software they got right was produced by someone else (TiVo).
I am disappointed with them lately. Charging for HD, I could do a better job hooking it up, and they failed to include a wifi adapter on our second receiver, so no on demand. They anger me, but I would rather be with them than dish network
Oh, just found another. Seems odd to me. But when I closed the phone app it came back to normal.
it is really a nice ringer buttons facilities in Iphone.
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When I press my volume buttons it always changes the audio of any given app the provides sound, even when it is not open. This because in Settings> Sounds> I have "Change with Buttons" toggled off.