iPhone 7 Plus Slow Performance/Home Button Response

iPhone 7 Plus Slow Performance/Home Button Response


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Sep 11, 2016
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As shown in my previous videos i took a while back this has happened again to my phone. I have tried a fresh restore it was fine. A month later it has gotten slow again.
Anyone else experienced the same problem? My iPhone 6 Plus and a friends 7 does not have this problem.
That was one of my original gripes with the SO CALLED smooth iOS 10.xx. It is smooth, but lags. The old Sony Z3v I have is lightning fast compared to the iP7+, touch the screen and instant feedback, iOS lacks the ability to forgo all the screen transition animations and do just pure transitions without animations which gives a better appearance of speed. BSD, what iOS is based upon (modified BSD), has always had a tough time with OS animations, seems it carried over to iOS when it was used as a base. When I first used BSD back in 2001 it was clunky to say the least, I have tried BSD from time to time since then, never really equaled Linux proper. In Linux proper, in KDE you can set animation speed, make opening applications fly or slowly open, get the hint iOS.

So you're not alone.

I have a xperia z3 compact as work phone and I can say it was fast two years ago but not anymore. After each update it gets slower and now the camera is a joke and can have a sharp picture on the screen but when I press to take the photo it always adjust the sharpness and often on closeup photos you can't see or reed if I taken photo of a sign or text on a paper.
Must take several photos to get it right.
It's slow when changing apps.
My iPhone 7 is much faster and when I shut of movement or what it's called in setting under aid in settings.
Now I'm not sure if I got it right in English.
Because my menu is in Swedish.
But toggle of movement so screen not use parallax effect and movement is used very little my phone went from fast to much faster.
Was not having issues as it was and now I don't know if I should stay or go back again.
I somehow like how it was and have no need of this extra speed.
Maybe it saves battery when my processor have much less to do[emoji6]
Anyway I can't say that my Sony is anything near my iPhone in speed and not my sons iPhone 6 either.
That phone and my old 5S is faster to switch apps and do things with than this Z3 Compact.
All is running latest iOS and my 7 is on latest iOS 10.3 public beta version and feel it gets only better all the time.
So pleased I went over to iOS on my private phone when the iPhone 5 came and never had any issues like I have had on my different android devises I used during many years.
My 7 is slightly quicker than that but there's still some lag there. I suppose I've just gotten used to it.
That's normal for iPhone. There has always been a slight lag like that when pressing the home button.
That's normal for iPhone. There has always been a slight lag like that when pressing the home button.
No it isn't normal.

It's unlikely to be a hardware issue, More likely to do with software.
No it isn't normal.

It's unlikely to be a hardware issue, More likely to do with software.

I've had this literally on every iPhone I've ever owned. There will always be that split second lag when pressing the home button.
I've had this literally on every iPhone I've ever owned. There will always be that split second lag when pressing the home button.
I have had every iPhone since 4s and never had that issue.
Nope never had a problem with a "slow" home button on any of my iPhones including my current iPhone 7 Plus. Personally it seems to me like their trying to make something out of nothing in the video, almost like their trying to touch the home button to fast as not to recognize their finger.
Nope never had a problem with a "slow" home button on any of my iPhones including my current iPhone 7 Plus. Personally it seems to me like their trying to make something out of nothing in the video, almost like their trying to touch the home button to fast as not to recognize their finger.
I watched the video and I didn't see any lagging.
I watched the video and I didn't see any lagging.
Nice try, it exist, like it or not iOS has LAG.

Nope never had a problem with a "slow" home button on any of my iPhones including my current iPhone 7 Plus. Personally it seems to me like their trying to make something out of nothing in the video, almost like their trying to touch the home button to fast as not to recognize their finger.
So if it doesn't happen to you it is nothing. I see. Well there are two phones that do this on here, and Apple has numerous complaints about this and is aware of it and confirms it exist, so the OG isn't trying to make something up. Christ, myopic aren't we.
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Please keep your comments respectful.
We do not tolerate rudeness in this forum.
Do what? What was disrespectful? Pointing out that there is an obvious flaw? Apple is aware of it. It think it was totally disrespectful for someone to say that the OG was purposely causing a problem or was the fault of the problem and then another person to say they didn’t see any "lag" yet there clearly is lag. That is disrespect, rudeness. You Apple people are weird and myopic.
iOS is not perfect, in fact it is flawed. If a person comes onto a forum for help and then gets belittled or chastised or motive questioned that is not a very good forum. Quite disrespectful and rude.

I do not worship any one product.
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