iPhone 6 Plus Crashing Issue Reported

iPhone 6 Plus Crashing Issue Reported


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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AppleInsider reports today that several iPhone 6 Plus users have reported a problem with their new phones, whereby they are crashing without reason, or continuously rebooting. Phones affected by this issue are being replaced for new units when taken to Apple Stores customer service.

An Apple Support Community forum thread focusing on the issue has more than 9,000 views and 60 replies, so it is clearly not an isolated issue.

Posters to the thread say that the 128GB model seems to be the most badly affected by the issue, especially with more than 700 apps installed. Crashes are reported to be occurring even without any user interaction.

There appears to be a conflict of opinion about what is causing the problem, with some saying it is a software issue, and others saying that it is down to the hardware, as the problem was not fixed by iOS 8.1.

Worryingly, even replacement phones for faulty units that have been issued to customers by Apple Store Geniuses seem to have the same problem; some iPhone 6 Plus owners are already on their fourth replacement phone.

AppleInsider is awaiting comment from Apple on this matter.

Source: AppleInsider
My iPhone 6 plus has this problem and something as minor as rotating the screen from portrait to landscape mode can sometimes cause the phone to crash to the home screen. It also crashes randomly several times a day.

The one thing I do not have in common with most users with this problem is an extensive app library on my iPhone. I have 139 apps, not more than 700 as mentioned in the article.

I guess I'll take advantage of the free telephone technical support that's included with my AppleCare+.
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My 6 has the same issue, not a ton of apps either. It's been replaced, erased and started from new many times. This could be my last Iphone, if I wanted crashes and freezing I would have bought an Android phone.
Since I got my iPhone 6 on Sept. 19th......I've had 3 or 4 random "reboots" (ie., effectively turning off/on and re-starting...).....no set pattern.....no lost data/apps, etc. -- but kind of annoying!!!:(
I have a 6 plus 64gb. I have never had a reboot but safari crashes sometimes.
I have the 6 plus 64GB with 71 apps. It's crashed on me twice since I bought it on release day. Not bad at all compared to some people so I'm not bothered.
I have had similar issues,however I am also having issues with my emails downloading while on cellular service. WIFI works for emails about 95% of the time. Apple has already replaced my 6 plus 128gb three times. Still not quite sure what's happening.

Cinder Sixplus using Tapatalk
I think it's funny how some people are saying their 6 plus has been replaced x amount of times when others still can't even get one.
Andriod trolls

Most vendors will place you on a waiting list and so will Apple. Bend gate now crash gate
Actually i haven't had any issues that caused me any reason to even run to Apple?
From reading these comments, it seems as if the more apps the user has, the more likely it is that the device will crash and reboot itself. Hopefully a future update will fix this.
My original 6 plus would crash but my replacement is a lot better and no crashes.

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