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IPhone 4S with jailbreak on 5.01 won't load new apps


New Member
Jan 10, 2011
Reaction score
This is a strange one. All of a sudden tonight the phone won't install new apps. The icons come up but it only shows "waiting". Never any progress beyond. Tried powering off, respring, reset, nothing works. I did install RecoveryGuard last night and wondering if that is kicking into it. But right before this started, it was downloading updates. The apps that don't load on the phone are automatically downloading to my iPad with no issues.

Any ideas?
I'm having the same issue. I've tried everything you've described and nothing. I wonder if it has anything to do with my jailbreak.
what are those apps? iPhoto? pages? keynote? what if you uninstall those apps from your iPhone and reinstall them? I've being updating my iPhone apps since iOS 5.1 was release without issues except for iPhoto, pages keynote and numbers which requiring me to upgrade the iOS in order to update them.
Actually different random apps. An alarm clock, game, tried a couple others to no avail.
I'm wondering about jailbreak as well. Going to try removing and reinstalling an existing app.
Delete and reinstall of existing works. Still no go on new installs.