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iOS 9 support


Staff member
Sep 24, 2012
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Regina, Canada
Apple has just announced that iOS 9 will be supported on all devices that can run iOS 8, including the iPad 2. That means that by September, when iOS 9 is released, the iPad 2 will have lasted through 6 major iOS versions, from iOS 4 to iOS 9.
I was surprised when this was announced. I had supposed the older devices would be left out this year.
Not this time, it seems. Of course, the iPad 2 won't be seeing the most advanced new features of iOS 9.
Apple has just announced that iOS 9 will be supported on all devices that can run iOS 8, including the iPad 2. That means that by September, when iOS 9 is released, the iPad 2 will have lasted through 6 major iOS versions, from iOS 4 to iOS 9.
What other manufacturers do that, I wouldn't think any, Apple are great.
I know, you could buy an Android phone and have it no longer supported less than a year later.

Typical support for an Android device is 18 months... this includes the Google Nexus devices as well.

Sent from my iPad Air using Tapatalk
Typical support for an Android device is 18 months... this includes the Google Nexus devices as well.

Sent from my iPad Air using Tapatalk
That's if you buy it when it first comes out. If you buy it later, you'll have less time.
Let's hope they get 9 right, so I can finally upgrade from 7 on my 5C!
I will still wait until the first upgrade (9.1) for the bugs to get worked out.
Let's hope they get 9 right, so I can finally upgrade from 7 on my 5C!
I will still wait until the first upgrade (9.1) for the bugs to get worked out.

What's wrong with iOS 8.3? I certainly haven't had any problems with it on my 5c.


Sent from my iPad Air using Tapatalk
Based on IOS 7 working well for me, and the imminent arrival of 9, it does not make sense to me to install, adjust to 8, and then repeat for 9.
Plus, if 9 is truly customized for older devices, it may work better on my phone than any version of 8.
iOS 8 is also customized for older devices. There was an update that made sure iPad 2 and iPhone 4s could work with the software without problems. Additionally, 8.3 came with many bug fixes.
I want to update my iPhone to the iOS 9. There are many amazing features.
I want to update my iPhone to the iOS 9. There are many amazing features.
Welcome to iPhoneForums, Alice0301!

iOS 9 isn't available yet, just the public beta version, or a beta version, if you're a registered developer. The software will be published in autumn.

If you wish to use it now, you should be aware that there still are bugs that need to be fixed.

Here's the link for the public beta version: Apple Beta Software Program
You'll have to sign up with the Apple ID on your iPhone. Then you'll find the instructions how to install iOS 9 on your device on the next page.