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IOS 5.0.1 down to 4.1 can it be done without blobs?


New Member
Feb 18, 2012
Reaction score
Hi i am trying to unlock my service/carrier lock so i can switch providers, I have tried the tiny umbrella, redsn0w method and also the changing server address in the host file but non of these methods worked as my Iphone 4 says it won't downgrade this handset error code. Is there any other way i've not listed or is there a bullet proof method of doing it i have completely missed. Please help. Thanks Steve.
It cant be done with out the blobs, but even if you could that would be no good to you because you would still be on the 5.0.1 baseband and there is no way to downgrade that no matter what you save or do so either way once you upgraded the baseband that was it.

Thankfully Cydia now collects them.
Check out the top of the cydia home screen.