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Help! Emails hacked over wifi?


New Member
Sep 9, 2014
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I was in a restaurant alone, checking emails etc and suddenly noticed I was no longer on 3G (iPhone 4), but was on wifi. Suspicious, I went to settings to take care of that, but the screen froze. Doubly suspicious, I tried to turn off the phone but it would not turn off for at about 3 minutes. Then it finally did and I paid the bill and drove away. I turned the phone back on, it was on 3G and went to email (comcast). It reloaded the last 50 messages despite having read them, and no sent messages were shown. I am worried that someone downloaded all my messages. Theres stuff in messages that I wouldnt want people to have access to for secutiy reasons. Then I was thinking that the couple next to me seemed to leave in a hurry just as I was frantically trying to turn off the phone. His back was to me the whole time. Should I be worried? If so, what can I do? I already changed comcast password. Thanks!
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