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Grrrr! Auto correct!


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2011
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Charlotte burb
I just have a rant... Why doesn't the auto correct feature on the phone remember that I use the texting abbreviation "U" for "you"? It always changes it to "I" and I have to go back and correct it! Many times I miss it and it totally changes the context of the conversation of course. The auto correct feature remembers nouns that I use frequently, why not "U"?

I did send a feedback note to Apple, wonder if they'll look at it.

OK, rant done! :)
After the first few times it will remember your choices, I find after pressing x a few times it remembers how I spell the word
Settings > general > keyboard > shortcuts. Enter in U for the shortcut and you for the phrase
Well, nice try but that didn't work. You have to have two characters in the shortcut!
xrayeyes said:
Well, nice try but that didn't work. You have to have two characters in the shortcut!

Would it work if you used a U and a space?
Let me see if I understand this correctly. The OP wants to use U as a short cut for you. iPhone recognizes this and uses the actual word you. Proper English.

I really having a hard time trying to understand what is wrong with iPhone correcting this? What difference does it make? And you do have an option (I think) to click it off before proceeding to the next word. I don't have any difficulty saying you, stuff like IMHO, OMG, etc. that I understand for shortcuts. So OP why do you care?
Would it work if you used a U and a space?

That didn't work either.

But, umm, I think I am having a blonde moment (sorry to any blondes!). I just remembered that the letter I is next to U on the keyboard and maybe my fingers hit it more than I think. Although I know for sure that the autocorrect HAS changed the U to I on occasion, but maybe not as much as I think! It may simply be my fat fingers (although they really are skinny! LOL)
Thanks again for reminding me about shortcuts though Willerz2. It can come in handy and I had forgotten all about it!