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Google Latitude - GPS


New Member
Aug 10, 2010
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After trying different different programs like Longitude to keep Google Latitude updated all the time, I've arrived to the conclusion that the best option is simply to use Backgrounder - I just enable Google Latitude work in the background through Safari. However, with this option, I've also noticed that the GPS is on all the time. I was wondering if there are any negative effects (besides the battery drain, which isn't that bad) for leaving the GPS working all the time. Will it damage the phone in the long run?

If I have an iphone and my husband has a Blackberry, can we locate each other using Google Latitude or do you both have to have the same make phone?
Yes, you can use Blackberry or any other phone including Android and Symbian phones to use Latitude and track your friends/significant other's location, regardless of what type of phone he/she has. Been using it for a couple of years and it works great. The only problem is your privacy is somewhat invaded and after a while it becomes frustating. So use it with caution. :)
The only problem is your privacy is somewhat invaded and after a while it becomes frustating. So use it with caution. :)

I know. :p I tried to convince DH that it would be great for when he was out of town on business. On miserable winter days I would be able to see that he was safely on his way home. He does not like the idea! (even though he is the most trustworthy person imaginable).

Someone told me their friends split up because the BF did not appreciate being tracked!