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Carrier Setting Prob- no Zep folder


New Member
Jun 21, 2011
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My iphone has been jailbroken for a while now without any issues. Then, last night I see there was an update for "Shrink", "Barrel", and "Bite sms". Once I did the update, my carrier and network disappeared!! I cannot find the Zeppelin Bundle folder anywhere. In ifile it shows Carrier Bundle/iphone and thats it! Is there a way I can copy a default Zeppelin bundle and past it into the carrier bundle?

thanks, in advance.

I've tried turning the cellular data on/off. Tried resetting network settings as well as connecting to itunes and restarting with the different settings... Looking in iFile, there is no zeppelin folder or plist. I've saved a copy of the default Carrier settings, but didnt think anything could delete the zeppelin bundle.

using Verizon iphone 4
hp windows vista
I noticed another user on here said that he recent barrel update causes his phone to go into safe mode. Have you tried uninstalling any of them...?
I did try removing the barrel, shrink, and bitesms with no luck. It seems like it was either barrel or shrink that did it. So when they were updated one of them must have deleted the carrier info and the Zeppelin folder.
Bit of a strange thing to do. Lol.

Well all I can suggest is a restore unfortunately...
yea, may have to restore....

What if I create a Zeppelin_bundles folder in the carrierbundles/iphone then add the copy of the carrier.plist in it??...could that do anything?
Worth a try. I don't know where your going to get a copy of them. You will need to ask someone that is currently jailbroken to host them for you...
well, i have a copy of the carrier.plist. Is there anything else needed in the Zeppelin_US.Bundles folder? Or is the zeppelin folder itself something.....

I'm thinking if I go to /carrier bundles/iphone/ then create a folder called Zeppelin_US.Bundles, then paste the carrier.plist in it. But I remember there were a few other folders in there too, so I may be missing something.

thanks for your help, too.
I would start a separate thread asking of someone would copy the entire missing folder for you in a zip file.

I'm not exactly sure what's in those carrier files but from memory I'm sure it was more than just one file and folder...
So I've tried doing the hard reset and network reset again with no luck. Its hard to believe this hasn't happened to anyone elses iphone.

I'm really trying to not have to restore all the way!! But if I do have to restore on itunes, can I just use the last jailbreak 4.2.8 to restore to (and deleting the apple host file), or do I have to restore to factory first?
ok. I'm going to try this tomorrow morning, so I have the whole day if something goes haywire.

Should I update to the lasted itunes, as well?

1. So, I'll do the factory restore first
2. do the Redsn0w or Snowbreeze (cant remember which one i have) ips thing...
3. delete the apple host file (or add a # to the begining)
4. Shift + Restore in itunes and grab the file just created...let itunes do the rest

Does this sound right? I haven't done this in a while....
Update to the latest iTunes. You dont need to worry about the hosts file unless you don't want to update to the latest firmware.

What version are you on...?
I'm currently on 4.2.8. I've saved my jailbreak on tiny umbrella, if that makes it easier. Do I just let itunes restore to the latest or should I do Shift+Restore and grab the previous 4.2.8?
I did try removing the barrel, shrink, and bitesms with no luck. It seems like it was either barrel or shrink that did it. So when they were updated one of them must have deleted the carrier info and the Zeppelin folder.

Barrel would never do that to your phone if you got it from the legit source, I have barrel and I haven't receive any update for it recently. But it's not all spoil, you can factory restore the iOS and jailbreak back.