Bring Your Smartphone To The Angry Birds Movie And Unlock Bonus Content

Bring Your Smartphone To The Angry Birds Movie And Unlock Bonus Content

PhilSynowiec News Team
Thread Starter
Jun 15, 2010
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Bay Area, CA
Just when you thought the Angry Birds hype died down awhile ago, Rovio and Song Pictures decided to make a movie for the franchise. The Angry Birds 3D animated movie will hit theaters tomorrow, Friday, May 20, and Rovio is encouraging filmgoers to bring their smartphones.

Rovio announced that Angry Birds Action players should open up the game during the end credits of the movie. Completely the opposite of what those ads before the movie telling you to put your "bright little screens" away tell you to do.

During the end credits of The Angry Birds Movie, a special inaudible sound has been implemented. The game will listen to the sound and automatically unlock special levels and new content within the game.

Rovio has uploaded a video to YouTube explaining the technology, which can be watched in the reply below. Angry Birds Action can be downloaded in the iTunes App Store for free.

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