Beep Me - The fastest ToDo app ever (+SALE)

Beep Me - The fastest ToDo app ever (+SALE)


New Member
Thread Starter
Oct 18, 2010
Reaction score
Enjoy your new organized life...
***SALE*** 50% for one day (Oct. 18)! let your friends know about it!

Just search for 'Beep Me' in the AppStore

Beep Me is the quickest, easiest, and most intuitive Reminder/ToDo application for daily use.

One of those "How did they not think of it before" kind of apps.

Need to set a reminder? Beep Me lets you do so quickly and easily. Don’t waste time using the calendar to add an event or using the clock to create a new alarm. With Beep Me it’s just two simple steps: Jot a short memo, and set the beep time. That’s all!

In a meeting when you remember that you promised to return a call in the afternoon? Jot down “call Jack”, and set it to beep you at 2:30. Put the pizza in the oven and need to set a timer? Jot “pizza” and set it to beep you in 20 minutes.

From the reviews:
★ "Simple, easy to use, works very well. Thanks you!"
★ "Missing piece in iPhone - This is the piece that you need between calendar and to-do. Simple and warm interface and that's why I love it."
★ "That's what I was looking for, fast and intuitive!"

Once you start using Beep Me you just can't stop. The simplicity and ease of use are addictive!

✔ Set as many reminders as you need.
✔ Set reminders timer style: Remind me in 20 minutes.
✔ Set reminders clock style: Remind me at 2:30.
✔ When reminded either accept it or snooze it.
✔ Badge displays the amount of active reminders
✔ Set the badge behavior
✔ Share your beeps with others
✔ Copy a beep to the calendar to make it permanent.
✔ Select the beep sound
✔ Uses local notifications, no need for internet connection.
✔ Supports Retina Display
✔ Select a wallpaper to customize Beep Me
✔ Languages: English, Danish, French, Hebrew, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian
✔ Compatible with iPhone (3G/3GS/4) and iPod touch (2G/3G/4G). Requires iOS 4.0 or later.

As always, if there is a problem or you would like to see more features, feel free to contact us and let us know.

If you already are in love with Beep Me, then spread the word and let everyone else know as well!

For more details, more applications and support, you can visit our website:
Thanks for posting your companies app. There should be a rule about this kinda thing. Now we will never see another post from this guy. Until they update or come out with a new app.

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