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Jul 8, 2013
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We just bought our first 'smart' phones and decided on iPhones (don't know I lived without it!) 4s. Didn't get the insurance Verizon was pushing. Now before out 30 days run out, I'm thinking about AppleCare. Someone told my wife that Apple gives refurbished phones if they need replaced but I've read here they give brand new phones. That has her down on the AC, plus her company is giving all the salesman iPhones and they have 'a guy' who does repairs like battery or screen replacement, so we'd probably be able to get some kind of deal if need be, which is strengthening her argument against.

My question are; new or refurbished if Apple has to replace?
If they repair your existing phone, how long do they generally take?
Do they always charge the $50 'copay'?

We just bought our first 'smart' phones and decided on iPhones (don't know I lived without it!) 4s. Didn't get the insurance Verizon was pushing. Now before out 30 days run out, I'm thinking about AppleCare. Someone told my wife that Apple gives refurbished phones if they need replaced but I've read here they give brand new phones. That has her down on the AC, plus her company is giving all the salesman iPhones and they have 'a guy' who does repairs like battery or screen replacement, so we'd probably be able to get some kind of deal if need be, which is strengthening her argument against.

My question are; new or refurbished if Apple has to replace?
If they repair your existing phone, how long do they generally take?
Do they always charge the $50 'copay'?

cant help you on two of your questions but i had my ipad 2 only two weeks when i had to take it back to the Apple store,i asked the same question,is the replacement new or refurb,i was told that it was most likely a refurb,if the device has just come out its unlikely they would have any refurbs and the replacement would be new,i therefore took it back to the shop i bought it from and got a new unopened replacement,so there you go,it may or may not be new,its the luck of the draw.
New or refurb no difference they will fix it. And their refurbs are set to factory specs, so who cares, have had apple care and devices for long time and no problems with them. Always had good luck with them

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