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Apple Sued Over iPhone Tracking


New Member
Mar 27, 2011
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Sochi, Russia
"Two men have filed a class-action lawsuit against Apple over the location-based services provided in iOS 4. The practice puts users at a serious risk of privacy invasions and stalking, they argued.
"Apple collects the location information covertly, surreptitiously, and in violations of law," according to the lawsuit, which was filed Friday in Florida district court."

» Apple Sued Over iPhone Tracking
apple getting a little taste of all the sue ing of other phone companies they do lol
Good. Apple deserves every bit of it. I hope someone better takes over Apple.
lol apple are a good company but they do like to control and restrict but it works out ok because of safety and making sure you get the best out of your apple device or ocmputer
every company does things you wish they would do differently .. no company ms or any other are perfect..

i just hate the way companies throw mud at each other and sue each other.. and apple is not the only one that does it.. plenty have taken stabs at apple especially now they are getting big and more people are using their products
yeah you hear of these law suits but you never hear any one win.. the only one apple lost is the whole jailbreaking battle and apple trying to make it illegal
The lawsuits, as filed, are jokes and won't make it very far.

Now the FTC investigation that is being requested by a Senator, that one has some teeth to it. But since Apple has already publicly stated they are trimming the seeding data and no longer will be backing that seeding data up, I don't see anything more than a modification to the EULA and the user having to press accept.