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Apple store money


New Member
Aug 2, 2011
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Can someone tell me how to make money in Apple store with iphone application, Developing iphone application and game?
Can someone tell me how to make money in Apple store with iphone application, Developing iphone application and game?

Well you have to sign up for a dev account with Apple ($99) then you basically have to create your app. Submit it to Apple and they will either approve your app or reject it. Now the money comes from the creativity and usefulness of the app. You can charge what you think the app is worth. Don't try to scheme people out of their hard earned moola because you won't get anywhere doing that.
Your app must be a hit.
And in those days you must have a good publishing company.
Making an application for iOS requires an investment of both time and money. The money side at the lowest end is around $800 and can go as high as $3000 for most one man projects. After you overcome that hurdle, you then have to come up with a game mechanic that hasn't already been exploited by 30 other apps. If you should do something unique then you have to invest at least 300 to 400 hours of programming to get the app ready for market. That means, if you are lucky and only value your time at say $20 an hour, you have to make at least $6800 to break even. I believe I read somewhere that the average really good app only makes around $2500 to $5000. Fantastic apps can make anywhere from $5K to $100K. And hits can make anywhere from $100K to $10 Million.

BTW to get up to speed and program at that level takes anywhere from 1 to 10 years of practice.
Making money off an iPhone app requires at least one person to create it and at least one person (can be the same) to tell the world it exists. If your goal is to make money off an iPhone app as I understand it, you should first see what's involved with each role. Find out what tools developers use and how to use them, and try learning iOS development. Do Google searches on iPhone app marketing and get a very basic idea for what that entails.

If you're starting from scratch, it will be a lot of work. See how far you get after a week or two of research and tinkering around with development, and make sure it's something you really want to do.

I personally used the Unity engine to develop my first released game by myself. Only took me about 60 hours total as I tried to keep it as simple as possible. It did poorly in the app store but I still made enough sales to recover development costs at least.