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A good quality windshield mount for dashcam App?


New Member
Jul 21, 2012
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So my wife got into a accident not long ago where a guy in a F150 merged into the rear of her car on the highway. Completely his fault! Of course he lies and says my wife had merged INTO him. The evidence was obvious that he had merged into her but the insurance company won't bring it to court over such a small amount...leaving her stuck paying her deductible. Bull crap.

So we want to turn the iphone into a dashcam! It seems like it works pretty well as one?? Any comments on that is appreciated.

So I've been looking at windshield mounts on amazon and have a tough time selecting one. Not sure if some have a hole for the camera etc?

Anyone with some experience on this feel free to drop a link to one that can be held to the windshield with ease, has the outward camera access, and can be held horizontally for the display.

Basically this exact setup in the link would be ideal!!!!
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Without any direct knowledge of vehicle mounts for the iPhone... I would think that any type of windshield w/ suction cup mount would work for your needs. However, finding one w/ the cutout (as you mentioned) might prove a bit difficult. What about modifying one w/ a cleanly drilled hole so the lense has a clear view?
I could do that but would rather get one that is just set to go without drilling etc. Someone has to have some experience with a windshield mount on here. If anyone does a few links would be great!