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a couple questions about jailbreaking iOS 4.3.2


New Member
May 1, 2011
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Hello all, I just had a couple questions about jailbreaking. I've jailbreaked before and restored to factory settings before I returned my phone under warranty a few months back. I finally decided to JB my new phone last week using redsnOw 0.9.6rc14 under iOS 4.3.2. Before Jailbreaking, I synced and backed up using itunes Everything went smooth and I reinstalled all my old stuff I purchased through Cydia.

My first question is about backing up shsh. I noticed an "urgent message" in cydia about backing up shsh if you want to jailbreak in the future. Is this really necessary? I never had to do this before. I was always able to update via itunes and re-JB my phone before. Will I still be able to do this without saving my shsh? I can't post the reference link because this is my first post but it's an article in thebigboss titled "Manually Save your SHSH 4.3.1 with Tiny Umbrella Now". I guess what I'm asking is if I don't back up my shsh, do I run the risk of never being able to update or JB my phone in the future?

This leads into my other question, which might be related to why. I noticed on my last sync that itunes now verifies my firmware when syncing my phone. Will I still be able to sync now that I am jailbroken? In the past I was able to sync all non-JB related stuff with no issues.

Finally, if anyone has any general suggestions for me, I'm all ears. Like I said, I've done this in the past but it looks like things have changed due to Apple's never ending war against jailbreaking. Thanks in advance!
Hello and welcome to the forum. Saving your shsh with tinyU of iOD 4.3.1 will just be of a help for you when you upgrade to 4.3.2 and in the future, you are willing to downgrade back to 4.3.1. Without saving your 4.3.1 shsh, you will not be able to perform a downgrade back onto it (4.3.1) Saving shsh will not affect the way itune will upgrade the device to a higher iOS or for an iOS restore. So it's advice to save shsh for easy going back in the future.
Itunes verify the version of your firmware while you are syncing your device??? It should verify your firmware when you are upgrading or restoring your iOS, not when you are syncing, but whatever it is, jailbreak won't afftect it. Let itunes verify whatever he wants to and let the device sync. In case there is a new iOS higher than the one you are having on your device, itunes will find it out and sugest you to upgrade right away, you can always refuse to upgrade right away, and save your currant shsh, backup you phone, your cydia and the perform the upgrade and jailbreak again.

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ok... what the he!! is a "shsh"? sorry - I'm a rookie!
An SHSH Blob is basically what Apple uses to verify the version of iOS you are running. That’s why many advice tell you to save your SHSH Blobs before upgrading your firmware on your iDevice. Otherwise you might not be able to downgrade to a previous version in the event you needed to.
That is unless you managed to save your SHSH Blobs with a program like TinyUmbrella. Doing so will allow you to trick iTunes, into thinking you are running an older version.
Your SHSH Blob is device specific. It uses the ECID (Exclusive Chip ID) of your device, along with a challenge key, as part of the authentication process with Apple. Because that key is static (doesn’t change), and you’re using the same ECID, it is possible for you to save your own SHSH blob for later use. It can then be used to downgrade your iDevice if you accidentally update your firmware and there’s no jailbreak available, not only because your just want to jailbreak, but also if you need to unlock your baseband as we all know that you have to jailbreak before unlock.