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Top 10 reasons don't buy unlocked iPhone 4


New Member
Jun 11, 2011
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iPhone 4 is now available unlocked in the United States while some people have waited a long time for a chance to get their hands on an unlocked Apple iPhone 4 finally hit market. Apples’s newly unveiled unlocked iPhone 4 models in the United States will deliver consumers and enterprise customers the same experience as the current, locked iPhone, but allow them to choose the carrier that they want to work with. Several other companies over the years have been offering unlocked devices, but Apples’s decision to do so gives consumers the opportunity to determine if they want to stay with an iPhone locked into a specific wireless carrier or try something new.
Buying an unlocked iPhone might seem like a no-brainer for some eager consumers. Yes, having an unlocked iPhone might appeal to some folks out there who want to have choices, but for the vast majority of customers looking to talk on a wireless phone, send e-mails, and surf the Web, buying an unlocked iPhone 4, rather than a cheaper locked version, just doesn’t make much sense. 4 units and stick with the iPhone 4s already sitting on store shelves consumers and enterprise customers alike shouldn’t waste their time.
here is 10 reasons dont buy iPhone.

1. It’s expensive:

In a time where the economy is in a state of uncertainty and people are looking for the best value for their money, Apple is selling unlocked iPhone 4s for $649 and $749. Those same devices can be purchased for $199 and $299 still require mobile-phone service to work, saving $450 on a smartphone seems like a fine idea.
2. Local travelers don’t need it:

The only real benefit of buying an unlocked iPhone is its international support. Users will be able to easily access different carrier’s network elsewhere around the world and have the same experience of using the smartphone as they do in the United States. But if a person doesn’t travel overseas and plans unlocked iPhone makes little sense.
3. AT&T’s pending merger:

Currently, there are two GSM providers in the United States. But with AT&T’s announcement earlier this year that it plans to acquire T-Mobile USA for $39 billion, it might not be long before there is a single GSM carrier in the U.S. At given the market factors, opting for a device that might not even be required a year from now doesn’t seem like the best idea.
4. What’s so bad with locked phones?

Though there are some out there that tout the versatility of unlocked smartphones, there’s little reason to get one. They tend to be extremely expensive, they deliver no tangible benefit over locked versions, and getting them set-up with a carrier tends to be more a pain than it has to be. There’s nothing wrong with locked phones and consumers should keep that in mind.
5. CDMA is not supported:

according to Apple, the unlocked version of the iPhone 4 it’s offering are GSM-only. That means that customers hoping to buy an unlocked device and run it on Verizon’s or Sprint’s networks won’t be able to do so. So, right after buying the unlocked iPhone 4, consumers have only half the market to choose from. That alone might disqualify the unlocked iPhone 4 sor some customers.
6. No 3G on T-Mobile:

If consumers decide to buy an unlocked version of the iPhone 4, they won’t be able to access T-Mobile’s 3G network because of the way in which the smartphone connects to high speed mobile networks. Users will, however, be able to connect to AT&T’s 3G network. Considering how important 3G is, and make much sense to buy an unlocked iPhone 4.
7. It’s not jailbroken:

To often, people mistakenly believe that an unlocked device is also a jailbroken device. However, that’s not the case. Even the unlocked versions of applications. If users are after a jailbroken device, it’s easier to buy a locked device to get some of the same benefits.
8. The plans are still expensive:

After paying $450 more for an unlocked iPhone, consumers will still need to invest in plans from AT&T or T-Mobile. AT&T currently sells prepaid plans, which would be used with unlocked devices that cost $2 per day for unlimited talk and texting. If users want to add 200MB of data to the mix, they will need to pay a total of $75 per month for talk, texting and data. That’s no deal when one considers that an unlimited national plan costs $70 per month from AT&T cheap prepaid option consumers can get the same experience and save $450 on the device. that plan sounds like a winner.
9. Convenience:

Who really wants to deal with buying an unlocked iPhone 4, going to a carrier’s store and signing up with a deal? By buying a locked version of the smartphone, consumers can have it all activated in a matter of seconds without all the hassle that goes along with an unlocked device. Convenience means something in the mobile marketplace and buying a locked smartphone is most convenient.
10. An iPhone 5 is around the corner:

Though Apple didn’t announce the new iPhone 5 at the Worldwide Developers Conference, the company will likely be offering a new version of its smartphone in the next several months. With that factor in mind it wouldn’t be the best idea to opt for the unlocked iPhone 4 now. The iPhone 5 is right around the corner, and paying a premium on an expensive device that might be obsolete soon is a bad idea.
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you make some ok points but i would rather spend extra money and be able to chose what carrier i use rather then have to try rely on ultrasn0w, but for those only planning to use one network it might make more sense to get it locked to that network and pay less
Some good points in there. I didn't relise that it would only support two carriers and the payg plans are so expensive over there. In the uk you can get more or less unlimited everything for about £20 on payg, and you've got plenty of carriers to choose from...
America is really limited to Gsm networks and even less that has the 3G network, seems pointless using any other one apart from AT&T unless you dont care about the 3g connection and if you want verizon or that network then you would go for the verizon version. will that be unlocked also to use any verizon network carrier?
It doesn't work with verzion so I can't see it working for sprint either since they are both CDMA...
In Australia unlock phones are standard as we can pay prepay $25 per month for $250 of calls with 3 gb data included and also choice of carrier. Resale value of unlocked phones is high same as ipads so one can sell the phone each time a new phone is released for at least 60% to 70% of purchase price so cost of ownership is low and choice if network is much better.

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In Australia unlock phones are standard as we can pay prepay $25 per month for $250 of calls with 3 gb data included and also choice of carrier. Resale value of unlocked phones is high same as ipads so one can sell the phone each time a new phone is released for at least 60% to 70% of purchase price so cost of ownership is low and choice if network is much better.

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Very similar here in the UK. You can still sell your factory unlocked 3GS for about £300. Apple are selling brand new ones for about £400 I believe...