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My avatar in whatsapp


New Member
Aug 29, 2012
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Hi, everybody.

I have a small problem in my whatsapp, I hope you can help me.

I put an avatar in my profile, and everything is OK. It appears with all my friends.

The problem is that it doesn't appear in my iPhone.

Can any one tell me WHY?
All of my friends I can see their avatars in my iPhone, and they can see mine.. So where is the problem?

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I use WhatsApp and have an avatar which can be seen by everyone who I message via WhatsApp. Your chosen photo/avatar is in your WhatsApp profile section obviously, as that is how you edit it, but where on your iPhone do you want to see your avatar? If your WhatsApp contacts see it when you message them, what's the problem?
Thank you for your replay, blueshirt.

In fact, I added my number in contacts of my phone.
When I want to chick my avatar and my status, I need them in one place. So I'm not forced to go to "status", then go to" sitting" to read what I have written in my "profile".

Always I make a relation between my avatar and my status, that is why I want them in one place.

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So basically you just wanted to see what other people saw? Yeah, adding yourself to your contacts does that all right... Are you using some cool status messages so? Send me on some! :)
Yes, that is what I want; to see what others saw.
I already added my self to my contacts, but it didn't work. That is my problem; I see everybody's avatar except mine.

About my cool status, they are not in English. And they are depends on the picture I put in my avatar.

For example, once I put a blank black picture in my avatar, and I wrote: "whenever you was surrounded by dark, there must be some light inside your self.. Turn it on".

Sorry if my translation is not that good. My English isn't that good.

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Cleaver replay.. Thank you :)

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Which help do you mean, awol22?
About me, I didn't take any help about my problem.
Did you find any thing that help you?

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abcinkcom said:
yeah, So basically you just wanted to see what other people saw? Yeah, adding yourself to your contacts does that all right.

no, abcinkcom. It didn't work with me.
The status is ok and appeared correctly, but my profile avatar doesn't appear at all.

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