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Siri no longer reading the details of calendar events/appointments aloud


New Member
Sep 9, 2013
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Sorry if this has been asked before, I couldn't find anything about this by searching/googling.

Siri seems to have stopped reading the titles and details of calendar appointments aloud a few weeks ago.

She used to read a lot of details, something along the lines of. "You have 4 appointments. Beer at 10:00, with Sebastian at Frank's, ...". Now she just reads the first part "You have 4 appointments".

I've tried German and English.

This renders the function pretty much useless while driving. Has anyone else noticed this? Any way around it?

Thanks guys!
Thank you for your post. I too searched the web and found nothing regarding this change to Siri's function. I am accustomed to asking Siri daily on my drive to work to give me the details of my daily calendar. Don't know why it's been changed but it's a real bummer. Please anyone let us know if there is a work around. Thanks!
Same here. I hope that this is a blip due to server updates or something with iOS 7 coming next week. I hope they fix it - if I can look at the screen I usually dint need Siri to pull up my calendar so this change seems very illogical to me. If you figure something out please let me know.
I spoke with apple regarding this issue. Finally got escalated up to someone who seemed to know something. He said that it looks like this feature is a bug while the servers are working out updates (like cafesitter thought), but couldn't say for sure. He understands that this feature is very helpful and didn't think it would have been intentionally deleted. He claimed that the servers are really busy right now and should work itself out in a couple of weeks. I hope so!
Thanks a lot for the update!

So there is hope....let's keep trying then! :)