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Renaming theme files to work with winterboard


New Member
Feb 27, 2013
Reaction score
Hey guys! I'm fairly new to the whole jailbreak thing and I'm trying to get my themes to work on my 4s running iOS 6.1.1. Someone told me i can edit the themes ising ifile. can anybody walk me threw the steps to get them working properly plz and thank you
What? You don't have to rename anything. Just make sure the tweaks that the theme requires supports iOS 6 like themes with springtomize or gridlock and such. If you rename the files, Winterboard won't be able to path them properly

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I'm pretty sure he means things like icon names, status bar names, etc. :)

My only suggestion is to install a theme (and I'm assuming you mean a Winterboard theme, BTW) on your 4S. Then, after selecting it in Winterboard and respringing, see if anything didn't get themed that wasn't before. You might actually be surprised that most things still work fine. The theme "issues" happen when trying to port a 4/4S theme over to the iPhone 5. But, if you're using the same phone, just a different iOS, it might (probably?) work fine.

I say give it a shot. If doesn't work (or works only partially), come back and we'll take another shot at it.
