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Iphone 7 plus camera


New Member
Feb 26, 2017
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For many years I have been shooting photos on DSLR cameras so I decided to stop carrying all of the equipment and I just received the iPhone 7 plus. I live in a senior independent living complex and most of my photos are inside. Being used to processing raw I purchased manual, camera+ & procamera programs to shoot raw. I have been busy shooting these 3 programs in raw and using Photoshop to edit and so far have found that the iphone 7 plus camera shooting jpeg (and tweaking the white balance) are much better over all than raw. I am curious if there are others with the same results. jimjoh
Not an answer, but it seems your post goes a long way to show the quality of the new camera in the 7 Plus. Thanks for sharing.

Someone on here is going to have info for you.

And Welcome to the forum!
I also am used to shooting RAW with my DSLR camera and am very eager to learn this iPhone camera. One question I have though is that I have read that RAW capture is possible using the 7+ but I can't find any settings for it, does this require an app? If it does require an app can anyone make any suggestions on which one is best?
You have to download an app that can take RAW pictures. Manual, which was mentioned above, is one of them. Afaik, it's a good app.
You're welcome. :)
In my first post I am not saying that the 3 programs are not good but saying so far the photos shot raw are not better than the camera processed jpeg. Also yesterday I shot using portrait jpeg and it was so good after tweaking white balance
In my first post I am not saying that the 3 programs are not good but saying so far the photos shot raw are not better than the camera processed jpeg. Also yesterday I shot using portrait jpeg and it was so good after tweaking white balance
My son uses Manual and he likes it. I have it installed on my iPhone 7 Plus, but I don't really use the app. Most of the time, I'm using the built in Camera app, and edit the images in the Photos app, if necessary.
Thank you both. I haven't had much time to play with the camera yet, but that will come. I enjoy processing photos in Photoshop and Lightroom and I love the flexibility of RAW.
Hi all,

I think the biggest difference between JPG and RAW is the fact the JPG looks better on your iPhone because it's already processed. RAW images are (don't get me wrong) just a bulk of unprocessed data needed to get the most out of your picture when dragging it through a processing program.

I travel a lot and at the moment I only carry handbagage with me. So no more bulky DSLR camera and lenses.
My iPhone 7plus is my main camera right now.

Most of my pictures are taken with the native iPhone camera or ProCamera if I want to take more control of the settings. I process them with ProCamera or Priime.

But if I see a really nice photo opportunity I switch to RAW (in ProCamera you can actually see which images are JPG or RAW) and process those with Capture One 10, the software I normally use for pictures taken with my DSLR. I must admit, the outcome of the processed RAW iPhone images are really good!

So for me it's the perfect workflow!

I have attached photos to further explain my first post on this thread. These 4 were taken today under same lighting & same time & same distance. 0816 was 2x and 4178 was 1x shot Manual app raw and processed & edited in Photoshop. 345a was 1x and 348a was2x and were shot with iphone 7 plus camera and were tweeted (white bal, exposure,etc) in Photoshop. I did not use any sharping at all. By the way I am still confused on the manual app naming the raw. jimjoh


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I really appreciate this conversation, while I am not contributing anything I am reading and learning. :)
I downloaded Manual but have not played with it yet.