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Has Apple lost is innovative adge?

Tunde Bori

New Member
May 10, 2021
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Apple’s implementation, in iOS16 of the new security feature to constantly ask for permission to paste is the worst and least user friendly way to address the root cause of the problem. (Steve Job is rolling over in his grave.)

Basically they “treating” the “symptom” instead of fixing the “root cause”.

First of all, when the user wants to Copy & Paste it will regardless of asking for permission as s/he is already committed, but the constant buggering just will make him more agitated and aggressive (GUI design 101.) Therefore It will not resolve or address the origin of the problem that other apps (other than the source & destination) covertly can read/access the clipboard.

So the question is: Apple how do you fix it? Please put your “thinking hat” on and be intuitive in implementing a proper (and not just a Band-Aid) solution.
I’ve been using iOS 16 since the first beta came out in June and I’ve never encountered the problem with copy and paste that you describe.
Try copying a paragraph out of a web page and paste it into Notes or try to Copy & Paste between apps that use the clipboard, not only asks to confirm but will do it every single rime even if both apps/site already opened.
Apparently this only happens if you copy and paste between apps. The logic behind it is to make sure an app can’t read what’s on your clipboard without your permission.
In the past some apps, like TikTok were notorious for this behaviour.
I am not the only frustrated customer, the web is full of comments on the disappointing solution, in fact person suggested a similar “implementation” like where each apps has a toggle for paste like it is for location services. And yes I understand the inherent problem the designer face, but I thought Apple can solve it elegantly. I also know what (aka TikTok etc) caused it the first place.The sad part is as I said asking/confirming will not fix the problem, perhaps legally, but if a user is committed he will give the permission. The solution to ask is not a solution just an annoying “appendix”, it needs to be taken out and provide a solution that fixes the underlying problem. But hey I am not an Apple developer, so I cannot offer solution, can only air my frustration, which if reaches a saturation point (and I am a long time Apple customer) will lead me (and a lot of gruntle out there) to next time pick the compatition that maybe more accomodating to the user, after all this is business.
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Thanks, I didn’t think you were, but on the off chance that someone might find it interesting, put out my opinion. Ultimately I sent (most of) my initial post (as I run out of space) to Apple. Hope that they listen.
Thanks, I didn’t think you were, but on the off chance that someone might find it interesting, put out my opinion. Ultimately I sent (most of) my initial post (as I run out of space) to Apple. Hope that they listen.

I don't like it either. It's very annoying.