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Lost iphone 4 - I need some help to find the owner


New Member
Nov 5, 2013
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Hello to everyone!

I am in possession of a lost iphone 4. It is probably an iphone 4S. I think it has been lost for about a year.

I tried to do everything, but it is locked, so no chances. I need to find the owner through social media, or other ways.

If you have any ideas, how to find the owners if the phone is locked, please let me know.


If you recognize this couple in this picture, or any of your friends do, please let me know. They might need this phone. :)
I would appreciate for a share from all!

Thank you!
Being that the device has been lost for about a year, the owner will most likely have reported it stolen/lost already. You can drop it off at a local Apple store so they can contact the owner via their Apple ID to give them solace that their information was not brute forced into

Sent from my iPhone via Tapa
I will take it than to the local Apple store. :)