What's My Heart Rate - Your camera lens will never get dirty

What's My Heart Rate - Your camera lens will never get dirty


New Member
Thread Starter
Apr 26, 2012
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Measure your heart rate simply by just using your iPhone's or iPad's camera.
Your heartbeat causes micro color changes on your face. Our software uses camera and advanced software algorithm to detect these micro changes, with beat-to-beat accuracy. The algorithm is built based on reliable non-contact photoplethysmography concept.
You may even help your lovely sleeping baby, or your grandparents to measure their heart rate by switching to back camera. This breakthrough technology allows you to measure your heart rate in an easy and unobtrusive way.
This app works best, if the device is being hold still in a bright environment.
This is an on-going research being done in many research labs.


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Last edited:
Dear all, we had released breath rate measurement as in-app purchase feature. Feel free to try it out.

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