Upgrading to 4.1 from 4.0.1

Upgrading to 4.1 from 4.0.1


New Member
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Dec 8, 2010
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Somerset, England
Hi all,

Bit of a strange question that i am unsure of.

My gf has a i4 which is on 4.0.1 and its now kicking up saying her app store is not connecting etc, so tonight i am going to update it for her to get it working (hopefully).

I dont want to update her to the 4.2.1 as the proper JB hasnt been released as we all know.

What i want to know is:

Can i use the 4.1 Firmware that you can download from felixbruns.de to upgrade her phone to 4.1 not 4.2.1 using (shift)+Restore? or will this not work?

She is on vodafone and the phone doesnt need to be unlocked so baseband updates etc doesnt worry us.

Im also thinking will this not work because it will want activation by apple during the restore process?

Hope you guys can give me an answer to this.

Many thanks in advanced
Nope, Apple are not "signing" 4.1 anymore so you will get an error in itunes and a phone stuck in recovery mode

Unless youve Jailbreaked it & saved your SHSH's in which case you use Tinyumbrella..... if you dont know what SHSH's are then you can only update 4.2.1.....
It currently is jailbroken. If I save the shsh from the phone now will that work?

Or do I modify the host files to stop iTunes talking to apple.
You can save you SHSH for 4.0.1 so you can upgrade to 4.2.1 then go back to 4.0.1. As already said apple have stopped signing 4.1 so you've missed the boat on that one.

An untethered 4.2.1 jailbreak is just around the corner... ;)
Thanks. How do I go back then?

What i understand is..
your iphone has 4.0.1..right ?
now when apple relesed 4.1 upgrade at that time u didnt upgraded it to 4.1. now apple has released 4.2

so, if you use tinyumbrela and save your SHSH, then u can go to 4.2 , and try to jailbreak it. if it doesnt work then you can ONLY restore to 4.0.1 ( Not to 4.1 ) since you never had 4.1 thru itune and so u never had a chance to save 4.1 SHSH.

i guess it helps !
Thanks for your reply, since my last post i have been reading more into rolling back to earlier firmware.

From what i have read it says you can go back to 4.1 because Cydia has your SHSH's saved within their servers. I have read that even if you dont upgrade the firmware, cydia will automatically backup the SHSH files for you?

So... what i am attempting now (well, will be tomorrow evening now) is Update to 4.2.1 via itunes, then modify the host files to point to Saurik’s server then (SHIFT) + Restore back to 4.1. and Jailbreak from there...

Will this work?
Bit of an update to this, I have now successfully updated to 4.2.1 then restored back to 4.1

Thanks to all those who replied to this thread, it has helped me out loads.