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Upgrade from iOS 4.2.1 to 4.3.3 instead of 4.3.5


New Member
Aug 1, 2011
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Hey guys,

Is the above title still possible?

Everytime I try to use the IPSW from 4.3.3, iTunes forces me to update to 4.3.5

What can I do?

Thanks in advance!
This may be possible if you have a previously jailbroken iPhone with saved SHSH files. If not it is impossible.
If you have jailbroken it before you can check if you have the SHSH files saved by
1. Install TinyUmbrella(google it)
2. Turn off iPhone
3. While holding home button connect to computer. (You should see connect to itunes screen.
4. Now open tinyUmbrella and press "check for SHSH files"
5. If you have any saved download the corresponding ipsw and press "Start TSS Server"
6. Open iTunes and restore