Treat Your iPhone 4 to Its Own Lego-Compatible BrickCase

Treat Your iPhone 4 to Its Own Lego-Compatible BrickCase


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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Check out this awesome iPhone case as featured on Daring Fireball! The case comes from SmallWorks, and has actually been made to fit specifically with Lego bricks. The case comes in three different colours – clear, white and black, and even has a special mini-figure platform on top! SmallWorks has a really interesting post on their blog about the whole process of actually making Lego-compatible bricks. According to the writer, Jim Thompson, SmallWorks actually had to “grow” the mold for the bricks, one step at a time, in order to achieve the right fit, despite having initially laser-scanned real bricks. Thompson goes on to write that SmallWorks also had problems eliminating the cloudiness that appeared in their pre-production models.

We solved this particular problem by a combination of a slight materials change and a change to the pressure used during the molding process. Just another problem we had to solve on the way toward brick mastery!

Click here to order the case for $19.99 from[ame=] Communications, LP Storefront[/ame]

Source: Daring Fireball Linked List: SmallWorks BrickCase for iPhone 4