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Springboard Icons are blurry/pixelated?


New Member
Mar 25, 2013
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Hey guys, I've been browsing through a bunch of different threads to see if anyone has an answer to this pickle I'm in, but so far no one has an answer for me.

My girlfriends iPhone 4s (6.1.1) is jailbroken and I tried to theme it with Colorgasm because she likes the icons. I noticed that the icons were pixelated and blurry, so I tried it on my phone and they were perfect. I've tried clearing caches, reinstalling Winterboard, respringing, etc but nothing seems to work. I would really rather stay away from a restore because 6.1.3 was just released and not jailbroken yet. Does anyone know what I can do? Thanks in advance.

Here is a pic of the icons incase yall were wondering.
Pfft. Sorry guys. Figured it out. It was something to do with Icon Masks. Stupid me.... -_-