Skype To Announce Video Calling for iPhone 4 at CES

Skype To Announce Video Calling for iPhone 4 at CES


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Jun 18, 2010
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Engadget has the scoop today on Skype finally launching video calling on the iPhone 4. According to the report, Skype has already been saying that it will be making some “video-related” announcements at CES in January, which has led Engadget to deduce, accurately I’m sure, that Skype is about to get involved in the mobile video calling business. Now Engadget believes that it has seen what must be considered as confirmation of their theory, in the unlikely form of a Help document that mysteriously appeared on Skype’s site today, containing detailed instructions on how to make video calls using Skype for iPhone. Unfortunately Skype has since pulled that particular Help page from the site, but luckily Engadget managed to grab a little snippet from the document, as well as giving us all their word that it really, truly was there, and they didn’t just make it up due to too much egg nog or something! Basically, what it all boils down to is that Skype will be announcing video calling via iPhone 4 at CES. Word.

Source: Skype finally bringing video calling to iPhone 4, maybe other mobile platforms? -- Engadget